About YvetteC2
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10,185 followers Joined July 2017
My name is Yvette and I have 26 years of human resources and management experience in various industries. I also have career advising and teaching





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Everything Wordpress

Whenever I send my website url to someone in a LinkedIn message (not a post), this "anonymous image" (see image below) shows up in the link instead of my website homepage image

UPDATE: Hello everyone. Thank you for the input. I found out the reason I keep getting this anonymous image when I MESSAGE someone (not post) in LinkedIn is because my site image is too small. For LinkedIn, an image needs to be at least 1200 pixels.

Thanks again, everyone.

Glad you have resolved this, Yvette. Thanks for getting back to us with the solution you found. Using the correct minimum image size for LinkedIn, or any social site, is important. ~Jude

I see Trish has answered your question.

Another way to make sure the image shows in social media shares, without the use of additional plugins, is to ensure that the image is included and selected in the All in One SEO settings under the post editor box in WP.

Before publishing, scroll down to the All in One SEO settings, select the Social Settings tab. If the image is not showing, you can upload it there.

See Screenshot. ~Jude

Thank you very much. It's not the social media share specifically that was giving me problems. It's only when I send my link in a LinkedIn message. But I found out what my problem was. Thank you.

Hey Yvette,

The following tutorial may offer you the help you seek: Hope you find this helpful.

Thank you so much, Trish. My problem is when I send LinkedIn messages to people (much like Messenger messages in Facebook). My post images are fine. Thanks, again, I truly appreciate your help :)

This plugin works for all social media. Though I am confused as to why your post works fine in Facebook but not LinkedIn's messaging.

I don't know why either. When I send Facebook Messaging messages, it looks fine there as well. I do know that in the All in One SEO plugin, there is no way to connect LinkedIn there. There is a space for Facebook and Twitter though. I'm thinking that may have something to do with this as well. Not sure.

Ahhhh... well, the plugin I show how to use just might work for you then after all, huh.

The plugin called Facebook thumbnail does not have you list any social media account.

Now you're making me wonder if that truly IS the better plugin. Thanks!

Hmmm....I'll check this out. Thank you :)

If you DO decide to give it a try, please let me know the outcome?

I will definitely let you know :)

Okay, I double checked my social meta, and you need to change your default image. When it can't decide what preview to show, it shows the default, which is that fun anonymous image until you change it.

Oh ok. I see where I can change the default image. Should I also upload an image where it says "Default OG Image" ? To confirm, this is not having to do with a post image right? Because my post images are fine. I'm just having a problem when sending LinkedIn messages and not having a website image.

Yes, upload the image there. Right above that is two other options. I use my first attached image for my first choice of image in the first line but you can choose a different option. Then check use default image if no image available.

These settings are only used if you don't set up a specific image for a post. I like using my first image, so that's what it uses. But if for whatever reason it can't display that, I get the default image.

Check what you have set up in the 'home' image too, just to be sure it's not anonymous too.

Thank you for this information. Unfortunately, this did not solve my issue with my LinkedIn message.I still received the anonymous image. Thank you, once again, for your time and assistance :)

Wow, LinkedIn is a pain. Ah, well. We tried. 🤷 Sorry it didn't work!

That's okay :)) Thank you so much for your help. At least when I POST on LinkedIn, that part is just fine. Have a great day / night.

For something like this Yvette, I look at theme support, LI help desk, and plugins with support as a last resort!

Thanks Mike. I'll definitely check my theme support, etc. After looking at the back office, I am wondering if there is a way to even connect LinkedIn to our sites. In the Social Meta section of the All in One SEO plugin, I see Facebook and Twitter, but no LinkedIn section. That may be the issue (?)

Thanks, again, Mike. I appreciate it.

I sincerely hope it helps Yvette!


You need to go to your all in one SEO in your dashboard
click on feature manager and then select social meta, click the activate button

Go to the bottom of your post and you will see a new tab called

social settings

Click on this and you will see a social meta section
You can select an image for you post that will appear when you post your link on social media

Select and image from the list that is shown there, which are images from your media library or you can upload a new one

Once you have selected the image update your post

Wait a while about 20 mins for the update to sync with your post before posting your link to social media

The image you have selected will appear with the post every time you post a URL to social media

Hope this helps


This is how I fixed mine too. You have to do this with each post.

It's not a post that I'm doing...it's sending a person a Linkedin message...much like Messenger in Facebook.

My post images are fine. I'm seeing this "anonymous image" when I send my clients a LinkedIn message.

Then it must be your gravata image that need to be updated

That's just odd. I have a gravatar image that seems to working fine and it shows up when I give comments.

I just can't get my website image to show up when I send LinkedIn messages. My website image shows up fine when I send Facebook Messenger messages.

Must be an issue with linked in then

It may be. Thanks for your help.

No, what you're doing is the same thing. You're basically 'sharing' your website, only you're doing it through LinkedIn message, so seriously, follow the social meta settings for your website and check. It has nothing to do with gravatar. It's a website preview.

I think you'll find this under the logo settings - and there are two. Look under appearance / customise then in my theme it's under "Site identity". You can add a logo there and also a site icon (usually your logo as well). This should fix your problem if I've understood it correctly. For more specific instructions on logos etc just type in the query at the top of the page and various training will come up. If you don't have a logo search for Canva and the tutorials on using that free tool.

Hope this helps


Thank you so much, Mike. I really appreciate it. I did put a logo in my theme's customize area and resent the message and still that "anonymous image" popped up. I do appreciate you getting back with me.

Thanks again.

Sorry my tip didn't work. @Bazboy247 seems to be onto the right track with this. Glad you asked the question as I didn't know that aspect of All in One SEO, so we all learn.

I think this is referring to a post - not a message like I'm sending to clients.

Click on Users in WordPress then edit your profile you will fine a avatar upload section around the middle of the page.

Are you referring to my gravatar profile picture? If so, I already have a picture uploaded there. Is the avatar you're referring to having to do with my website image?

Weird if it did not change. Yes, The gravatar profile picture.

Log out of WordPress then log back in sometimes this will fix the issue.

If it doesn't in your web browser try this force refresh your page:

I know this works with google chrome browser and should with others also.

With PC: press and hold CTRL button and click the web browser refresh page button.

With MAC: press and hold Command button and click the web browser refresh page button.
(I'm mainly a PC guy )

Is that does not work contact support see if they have a answer I have never seen this happen.

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How do I get rid of this "anonymous image"?

How do I get rid of this "anonymous image"?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Whenever I send my website url to someone in a LinkedIn message (not a post), this "anonymous image" (see image below) shows up in the link instead of my website homepage image

UPDATE: Hello everyone. Thank you for the input. I found out the reason I keep getting this anonymous image when I MESSAGE someone (not post) in LinkedIn is because my site image is too small. For LinkedIn, an image needs to be at least 1200 pixels.

Thanks again, everyone.

Glad you have resolved this, Yvette. Thanks for getting back to us with the solution you found. Using the correct minimum image size for LinkedIn, or any social site, is important. ~Jude

I see Trish has answered your question.

Another way to make sure the image shows in social media shares, without the use of additional plugins, is to ensure that the image is included and selected in the All in One SEO settings under the post editor box in WP.

Before publishing, scroll down to the All in One SEO settings, select the Social Settings tab. If the image is not showing, you can upload it there.

See Screenshot. ~Jude

Thank you very much. It's not the social media share specifically that was giving me problems. It's only when I send my link in a LinkedIn message. But I found out what my problem was. Thank you.

Hey Yvette,

The following tutorial may offer you the help you seek: Hope you find this helpful.

Thank you so much, Trish. My problem is when I send LinkedIn messages to people (much like Messenger messages in Facebook). My post images are fine. Thanks, again, I truly appreciate your help :)

This plugin works for all social media. Though I am confused as to why your post works fine in Facebook but not LinkedIn's messaging.

I don't know why either. When I send Facebook Messaging messages, it looks fine there as well. I do know that in the All in One SEO plugin, there is no way to connect LinkedIn there. There is a space for Facebook and Twitter though. I'm thinking that may have something to do with this as well. Not sure.

Ahhhh... well, the plugin I show how to use just might work for you then after all, huh.

The plugin called Facebook thumbnail does not have you list any social media account.

Now you're making me wonder if that truly IS the better plugin. Thanks!

Hmmm....I'll check this out. Thank you :)

If you DO decide to give it a try, please let me know the outcome?

I will definitely let you know :)

Okay, I double checked my social meta, and you need to change your default image. When it can't decide what preview to show, it shows the default, which is that fun anonymous image until you change it.

Oh ok. I see where I can change the default image. Should I also upload an image where it says "Default OG Image" ? To confirm, this is not having to do with a post image right? Because my post images are fine. I'm just having a problem when sending LinkedIn messages and not having a website image.

Yes, upload the image there. Right above that is two other options. I use my first attached image for my first choice of image in the first line but you can choose a different option. Then check use default image if no image available.

These settings are only used if you don't set up a specific image for a post. I like using my first image, so that's what it uses. But if for whatever reason it can't display that, I get the default image.

Check what you have set up in the 'home' image too, just to be sure it's not anonymous too.

Thank you for this information. Unfortunately, this did not solve my issue with my LinkedIn message.I still received the anonymous image. Thank you, once again, for your time and assistance :)

Wow, LinkedIn is a pain. Ah, well. We tried. 🤷 Sorry it didn't work!

That's okay :)) Thank you so much for your help. At least when I POST on LinkedIn, that part is just fine. Have a great day / night.

For something like this Yvette, I look at theme support, LI help desk, and plugins with support as a last resort!

Thanks Mike. I'll definitely check my theme support, etc. After looking at the back office, I am wondering if there is a way to even connect LinkedIn to our sites. In the Social Meta section of the All in One SEO plugin, I see Facebook and Twitter, but no LinkedIn section. That may be the issue (?)

Thanks, again, Mike. I appreciate it.

I sincerely hope it helps Yvette!


You need to go to your all in one SEO in your dashboard
click on feature manager and then select social meta, click the activate button

Go to the bottom of your post and you will see a new tab called

social settings

Click on this and you will see a social meta section
You can select an image for you post that will appear when you post your link on social media

Select and image from the list that is shown there, which are images from your media library or you can upload a new one

Once you have selected the image update your post

Wait a while about 20 mins for the update to sync with your post before posting your link to social media

The image you have selected will appear with the post every time you post a URL to social media

Hope this helps


This is how I fixed mine too. You have to do this with each post.

It's not a post that I'm doing...it's sending a person a Linkedin message...much like Messenger in Facebook.

My post images are fine. I'm seeing this "anonymous image" when I send my clients a LinkedIn message.

Then it must be your gravata image that need to be updated

That's just odd. I have a gravatar image that seems to working fine and it shows up when I give comments.

I just can't get my website image to show up when I send LinkedIn messages. My website image shows up fine when I send Facebook Messenger messages.

Must be an issue with linked in then

It may be. Thanks for your help.

No, what you're doing is the same thing. You're basically 'sharing' your website, only you're doing it through LinkedIn message, so seriously, follow the social meta settings for your website and check. It has nothing to do with gravatar. It's a website preview.

I think you'll find this under the logo settings - and there are two. Look under appearance / customise then in my theme it's under "Site identity". You can add a logo there and also a site icon (usually your logo as well). This should fix your problem if I've understood it correctly. For more specific instructions on logos etc just type in the query at the top of the page and various training will come up. If you don't have a logo search for Canva and the tutorials on using that free tool.

Hope this helps


Thank you so much, Mike. I really appreciate it. I did put a logo in my theme's customize area and resent the message and still that "anonymous image" popped up. I do appreciate you getting back with me.

Thanks again.

Sorry my tip didn't work. @Bazboy247 seems to be onto the right track with this. Glad you asked the question as I didn't know that aspect of All in One SEO, so we all learn.

I think this is referring to a post - not a message like I'm sending to clients.

Click on Users in WordPress then edit your profile you will fine a avatar upload section around the middle of the page.

Are you referring to my gravatar profile picture? If so, I already have a picture uploaded there. Is the avatar you're referring to having to do with my website image?

Weird if it did not change. Yes, The gravatar profile picture.

Log out of WordPress then log back in sometimes this will fix the issue.

If it doesn't in your web browser try this force refresh your page:

I know this works with google chrome browser and should with others also.

With PC: press and hold CTRL button and click the web browser refresh page button.

With MAC: press and hold Command button and click the web browser refresh page button.
(I'm mainly a PC guy )

Is that does not work contact support see if they have a answer I have never seen this happen.

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