Test Blog - How long is your Post?

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Hahaha...now, before you get all cranky, I realize that this blog title could be taken the wrong way...Good grief, no matter what I say, I'm just making it worse...

Ok, here is a random post as a test to see if my blog is also 'cut off' like what happened to #JeffreyBrown.


Flash Fiction - The Short Story

What is a short story?

The definition of a short story depends on your source of information. According to Wikipedia, a short story is comprised of no more than 20,000 words and no less than one thousand.

Anything less than 1000 words is considered a ‘short short’ story. Merriam-Webster defines a short story based on its narrative prose dealing with few characters, which focuses more on the emotional outcome.

Flash fiction falls into the category of short, short story because most flash fiction stories are less than 1000 words. In fact, most flash stories fall into the 300-500 word range.

it is said that a picture is worth 1000 words; imagine the challenge of describing that same picture in 500 words or less. As a writer, you learn to eliminate all but the most needed words to fit within the limit.

Flash fiction is an invigorating way to hone up on your writing skills; remember, you are trying to paint a story within a limited amount of words.

You may even become more proficient with your long story writing after penning some flash. Think of all of the quality you can add to your story once you’ve rid it of the excessive adverbs and adjectives.

Remember, in any story, you want to show the reader the path you want them to follow; you do not want to tell them how you got there.

This one concept provides for some good flash fiction, no matter the topic or story theme.

Although short stories can be 1000 words long, flash is considered to be a short-short story and falls in the 300-500 word category. Micro flash would be any fiction story written in 100 words. That’s why they call it a 'flash' story.

Any story must have three elements; the beginning, a middle, and and end. Flash fiction stories are no different, they must also have a beginning, middle and end.

Give it a try. Come up with an idea, and write a 300 word flash story. You won't be disappointed!


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Im ready to try out the 300 word flash story, but, first, I need to put on my thinking cap cause this may get a bit intense...lol. Interesting post Rudy.

Give it a shot, Rick! Remember that less is more.

I look forward to seeing what you came up with!


Will do. Have a great day or sleep…lol

Thank you for this post. I find it very interesting that the number of words in a story can or might determine the number of responses. Very interesting.

I know, huh, especially since this was an off the wall topic for here...grin.

Yet, I suppose this could also help in writing posts and landing pages or CTAs.


Hi Rudy - there is nothing that would cause a post here in WA to be cut off - perhaps a network issue when Jeffrey posted his blog? Sounds like he ran into a very random and unique error.

Hi Carson, yeah after I read some of the replies to that post, apparently the issue is with Jeff's computer.


Hi - actually, a story that is exactly 100 words is called a Drabble!

And, surprisingly, I make money on Medium by writing Drabbles!


A Drabble? Huh, have not ever heard that term used before...cool that you're making money writing dabbles....Will have to check them out...


Sounds awesome, Rudy!


I posted this to see if my blog got cut short like yours did...ever find out what happened, Jeff?


Not yet, Rudy!


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