ChatGPT - A Funny Thing Happened.

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A funny thing happened this morning.

According to a training from Tim Lee (Timtheous, I think I got it right) by asking Claude 2 to review his site, he received some wonderful insight on making improvements.

So, I created a Claude 3 account, newer version, and asked a modified question - to review my website and ask for any improvements.

The answer was Claude could not view a live website.....hmmmm.

So I logged into my free account at ChatGPT, who did provide me with a website review, and improvements on how to implement some changes.

Quite an extensive reply, which I posted and saved to a Word document.

SIX HOURS LATER, when I returned to finish up my pursuit, all of a sudden, ChatGPT no longer could access my website, and proceeded to give me relatively the same answer that Claude 3 gave me about not being able to access a live website.


So, we entered a discussion of yes you did have access, and the no I do not have any access. But that it would be more than happy to provide some insight if I would provide some content from the website.

But you did, I have proof, I argued. (Sic)

And I posted something from chat I had saved on Word doc.

To which the reply was:

Very clever! And proceeded to add something I don't recall due to the irrelevancy of its content.

So, I asked, what changed? 6 hours ago blah, blah, blah...

This went on a couple more times, when I finally understood how futile this was to continue any further.

Then I shifted gears and inquired more about implementing the new direction of my website.

Now, granted, I had not logged in yet, due to the page was not loading properly, so I was using this as a guest.

All of a sudden, an alert popped up, to inform me that I had reached the limit and needed to login, or continue as guest.

I tried to login again, to no avail, and chose to click on 'continue as guest.


Note to self, remember to copy and paste content as you go before you get cut off, as you will lose what you had written, because:

1) You were unable to log in to copy chat content

2) Selecting to continue as guest will wipe the slate clean and you start over!

However, the wiped conversation opened the door to even better possibilities for the revamping of said website!

Ok, with this new direction, I bombarded ChatGPT and an hour later, after some back and forth passing of information, a popup appeared to tell me that my free time had run its course!!

Now I have to upgrade to continue to use this account, which I plan to do, as I am really seeing the benefits for me, which means even more benefits for my readers!

Who knew I would find the limits in one day using ChatGPT.

And that was my morning!

What experiences have you had while using AI?

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I've had similar issues with the plethora of AI platforms that I use Rudy!!

Just keep on persevering my friend... none will ever be 100% correct; but when we put all the info together.. check it a few times for relevancy... a pretty solid outcome will present itself!!

Take care bud and enjoy your weekend!! :-)

So, I was on it today again, and I believe there is a word limit as a guest, lol. Fortunately, I had copied most of the content before I logged in and lost everything anyway!!


There can certainly be word limits when being a "guest" Rudy....

Even with paid versions but I have never used that amount of credits in a month!!

Saving what we have done is a shrewd tactic though....

Take care buddy... I am poolside barbied out for the day and need sleep.....


Gotcha! Get some sleep!



And sleep I got buddy!!

Enjoy a wonderful Sunday my friend!! :-)

Ditto! Will be playing pool later today, weekly league!


I hope you were victorious buddy and had fun at the same time!!


I played well and had fun!


That's all that matters bud!! :-)



Hmmm, I use to Chat3 to rewrite, but I never thought about getting input on how to make the sections better. Great idea and one I plan on persuing.


Awesome. This had helped me create better content as well as website layout options.


I recently upgraded to ChapGPT and I think I nearly wore it out last night! It kept having to refresh because of amount of energy it was using or something like that. I did get the tasks done that I had asked it to help me with which is a plus! I am not entirely happy with the images being created but they are better than I could come up with on my own!


Same thing happened to me. It would quit mid sentence, then I had to regenerate it!



Yes! Exactly. It was a little frustrating but it did get it done. I found that the free version used to almost always stop mid sentence.


Wow, Rudy! I hope that gets sorted out in short order, my friend!


Ha, this was part of my answer to your comment, and I decided to make it a post instead of filling up a replay in someone else's post...grin.

It's all sorted out because you can't win an argument with Ai...(gotta be a t-shirt coming soon, I'm sure, grin..)

Besides, I found a new direction for my website that will work even better!

Hope you had a great Memorial Day, Jeff!


I did, Rudy! It shortened the week for sure!

I hope the new direction for your site will be a very good thing!


Good to hear!

Yes, me too. It looks promising!

I'm glad to hear that, Rudy!


Thanks, Jeff!....😎


You bet, Rudy!


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