Monk or Lawyer? Your Choice

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I just completed my first article where I used AI to generate the outline and then I filled in the blanks. Writing has never been easy for me but, implementing the AI prompts and classes from Kyle and Jay have been very helpful and eye opening. I actually had Chat GPT generate a blog post just to read it and see if it was the way I would write. No surprise, it wasn' However, it does do something I am not good at and that is provide some pretty cool outlines with great titles and layout. Needless to say I am not very creative, as much as I would like to think I am!

That being said, I am so happy I moved to the Premium Plus level and have found this community. It is about so much more than just making money. The training, support and community inspirations have been amazing so far and I can't wait to learn more.

As much as the monetization of my website is the end goal, right now it is about getting out of my comfort zone and writing. And I have to say, I am really enjoying it. In the hustle of today's world I am finding a work-life balance with writing. It is my yoga and meditation exercise so to speak. It is relaxing and exciting all at the same time.

In closing, i want to share with you a quote that is on my wall that I have really started paying attention to: "Life is not about the breaths we take but, rather the moments in life that take our breath away". I encourage you to take time to stop and evaluate your work-life balance and if you are wondering about the title of this post, read "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" by Robin Sharma.

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Many congratulations on your upgrade William and when used correctly AI can be a fantastic assistant for our businesses!!

All the very best moving forward my friend! :-)

Like so many others on this platform, I have made friends with AI. it makes writing so much simpler. Editing is like a game in which mistakes, misinformation, too much fluff, etc., have to be found and plucked out to finish with a good article.

Congrats on the article, William.


Hi William

As you continue to build your individual persona with ChatGPT, it will write closer and closer to your style.

You'll still have to edit the final output, but less and less. 😎

Frank 🎸

Great Post William. Thank you for sharing. Love that quote and so true.

I am a big fan of Robin Sharma. Read all his books and the 5am Club I still follow today after a good few years and has certainly helped with my eork-life balance.

All the best as you progress and embrace your writing and creativity.

Stay blessed

Thank you Tracy. he books are all very good. I am actually going to start going back through them as I find them so inspirational and informative. So much in his writing applies to real life in so many ways.


So true Bill and a good plan.
All the best.

Nice one, William! We must enjoy all the moments that we are allotted--both the good and the bad. That is what defines our lives!


Now a Papa of 2 wonderful Grandchildren I am really paying more attention to the "moments". It is awesome to watch them as they grow every year. One is 2 and the other only 5 months old. Really makes you take a step back and take a breath.

It certainly does my friend! I have three so far. The oldest one is 14! Enjoy it to the fullest!


Work-life balance is a topic that is always on my mind. I have paid the price earlier in life for neglecting that important life principle. Good of you to remind us. This is an incredible community I agree. Like you, i'm excited to be here. Hope you're having a wonderful day and all the best moving forward!

Thank you Grant. After completing this latest post I have to say I am feeling fulfilled and appreciative of the possibilities this community is presenting to me. All the best to you as well.

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