Being Sick Makes Life Challenging

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So the last week has been full of highs and lows. The highs included upgrading to Premium Plus and the opening to so much additional training. The Master Classes put on by some of the other members, especially in the WordPress category, have been very eye opening and rewarding.

I am working on a couple of different niches, only because I was struggling with my first choice. After watching some more training videos, I realized I was over thinking the whole niche thing. It really is not that difficult. Find something you love and start building your website. Writing that content is so much easier.

However, the lows of the past week stem from a really bad cold I have been fighting. Of course everyone thinks you have COVID! I am Covid Free. Yesterday was the worst I have felt in a week. I couldn't hear, couldn't focus and the list goes on. It was hard to watch any training videos because of it.

Where I am going with this, is that my decision to go to Premium Plus has made me realize just how much potential there is in this community and within Affiliate Marketing. Although I have felt like the bear in the picture most of the week, I did manage to create a new website, dress it up a little, create my first logo in Canva and get 2 posts out on my new website.

But what I like most about this community is that not one person ever makes it feel like you can be an overnight success. This is a business, like any other business, and with the right attitude, determination and dedication, you can be a success in time.

How quickly you see that success depends on what you are measuring. For me, my first goal is to consistently publish 3 quality posts per week. Keep the goals realistic based on your other commitments in life. For example I run a small sporting goods store so some days I have time to write and some days I don't.

I want to reach 30 posts within the month of December because from some of my readings and what the community posts, that is when affiliate programs start to take you seriously, including Google.

So my fellow community members, although being sick may make your business challenging, keep moving forward, try new approaches and never be afraid to fail. Failure only makes you wiser and more resilient so push forward, test a theory and then move to the next one if that doesn't work.

Thank you to all the trainers in this community that work hard to bring us amazing videos and tutorials week in and week out. There is no other community like this. Keep up the great work and let's continue to build an amazing, one of a kind, community here are Wealthy Affiliate.


Bill from Ontario, Canada

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Recent Comments


I hope you get better soon, Bill! Keep succeeding!


Sorry to hear that you have been unwell Bill, may I wish you a speedy and full recovery....

Excellent goals though my friend and many congratulations on your upgrade!

Yes, yes, yes, don't be afraid to fail is such an important philosophy to own. Failing to victory is the way to go, William. I do it constantly:)


Keep up the great work! And welcome to Premium Plus+!

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