Fraud Alert Call, Wealthy Affiliate is in Canada!
Good afternoon, it's a sunny but cold 23 degrees in Central, Salida, Colorado! If you live in Arizona or Southern Nevada, I'm jealous!
I got an automated call this morning at 8:00 AM from my Federal Credit Union that sounded like a military emergency red alert that there was a fraud alert and a missile was going to head my way and nuke my house and fry my cat if I didn't call back straight away!
I didn't want my cat fried to a crispy critter, so, I called Thrivent FCU based out of Wisconsin and asked what was the "fraud" alert? The nice young man with a Wisconsin accent said Debit cards are flagged and blocked on out of country transactions like Canada, and the UK. I assured the nice man that my transaction was "Legit" and wanted to pay the whole $353.00 for the year to save paying Wealthy Affiliate once a month and used some of my early 'retirement' money.
So, this is what I had to go through to make my payment to Wealthy Affiliate;
1. Recite my Social Security number.
2. Mother's maiden name.
3. Cat's name and what color is the "Kitty?" That's her name "Kitty," and she's black.
4. Was asked who's the President of the United States now- Donald Trump.
5. Pledge The Allegiance to The Flag.
6. Recite the Lord's Prayer.
7. Recite the Hail Mary Rosery.
8. Swore I was a US citizen from birth.
9. And Lastly, Do I drink coffee in the morning? Woops-missed a number, now you know how excited I got LOL!
After all the strange questions and being on hold for several minutes, the nice man came back and said I could use my Debit card but only have 60 minutes to get my transactions run through. I also had to give the "GO-A-Head" to pay for my Live365 Internet radio streaming and Webcast service and Spotify that I use for "Research" and doing shows. All because an excellent affiliate program is in Canada and I wanted to pay for the whole year!
Have a good rest of your afternoon, and you had a great chuckle! I did pay WA for the whole year.
~~Willie Lee C "The nutty D.J."
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I got one for you My credit card number was used to by a Midget jet in the middle east. The people live in NEW YORK CITY so you see where this is going. The Credit Company is from NYC
I am sure Kitty is quite relieved :) Here in Manitoba, we are at a sunny minus 11C today, snow on the ground to stay for awhile and it's lovely out :)
Well you are a bit warmer than we are, as 23F is minus 5C. We were at that temp a few days ago but winter has finally arrived here on the prairies. Colorado has a lot in common with central Canada, except we don't have mountains! When we get blizzards, they are often 'Colorado Lows' LOL! Thanks Colorado !
Yes, interesting Maddy55. I just looked at my big US and CA wall map where you're located, and see how those fronts move through. :)
This made me laugh Willie, adding some humor to a ridiculous problem really. Appreciate that you went through the trouble to stay within WA. We have heard these kinds of stories over the years, it’s not like the transaction is coming from a country riddled with’s CANADA 🇨🇦!! We are your neighbors up north!
Looking forward to having you on board for the coming year. We have a really packed 2019 in the works, going to be a lot of fun.
Awesome Mr. Carson! Ya, I thought the same thing on what you just commented on! I love Canada and Canadians as I have met quite a few through the years in my travels. You Rock Maan!
Always radio active,
Willie Lee C
At least your bank was on it! I dunno man..those Canadians sure are a sketchy bunch ;). I am surprised they'd consider Canada in their fraud alert system but I guess another country is another country.
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🤣🤣 Anything to stop the scammers.