Digital Marketer - Scam or Legit - Beware

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Digital Marketer - Scam or Legit

If you have websites, youtube, twitch, or any other social media presence then there are some things you should know.

First, if someone approaches you via the email or POC info on your site and says they want to help you grow it could be your worst nightmare. If you a small social media influencer you need to know there are those out there looking to lure you in with promises of growth and help; however, all they are interested in is your money and giving you superficial numbers that will not help your bottom line.

Second, if someone approaches you and asks the same thing but they know someone that helped them and they could also help you... Now, you have a two person team working against you to hook you in.

In the picture below, this person claimed to be Fantasia and at the time of the conversation his icon and name was the same. The Fantasia in the picture is a legitimate Japanese streamer. However, you can see that several months later this person has changed his icon to something else. Looks like he is on the hunt for the next victim and posing as someone else.

I spent $350 for a month's worth of marketing. I did it full well knowing that this entity couldn't be trusted. So, this person introduced me to the "marketer".

Third, if they cannot even get the money from their account or complain because they have to wait 5 days to get paid that's another red flag.

He cancelled the job and asked that I submit it to a different account.

When that account didn't work, he asked I send him money via PayPal.

Gee, are we seeing a pattern here?

Now, what about the traffic we got on our channel?

I'd continuously have 12-15 viewers from the time the stream started until it finished. However, the viewers would switch in and out so it wasn't even the same viewers from start to finish. Here's an example of what they would say:

Let me tell you, know one ever says that on a live stream of mine and I've been streaming for 8 years on one platform or another.

In the end they say they have this new campaign that's going to do even better, just send them an additional $150.00.

Needless to say, I said NO! I had the content I needed for my YT and for this blog.

I hope you do validate and check out someone thoroughly before spending any money on marketing. As a matter of fact, you should be doing the WA training that is available here first before venturing on your own as it is well worth the time.



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Recent Comments


Les, its definitely something we all have to be aware of and on the watch out for. Even some that are legitimate they can still be less than ethical in how they operate. Thanks for the post.


A lot of people out there are constantly trying to separate us from our money. I just have to tell them "no." It's hard because what they are "selling" sounds so good, but it is a shiny object and I myself will not fall to them anymore! If someone promises something that is too good to be true, tell them to take off!


Yep, I couldn't agree more.

I am wondering why one would need to hire the services of an outside source if everything we need to succeed is right here at wealthy affiliate?

Wonderful question. I see you've been here a little over one year.
How much are you earning per month using WA's model for success?
In June, I'll be unemployed and have plenty of time to look at the training again with fresh eyes and follow everything to the T.
Perhaps I've missed something because I have had leads but no sales for WA and I really like the platform.
Honestly, I don't understand how someone can get 150 WA sells in a year, but people are doing it.
Being laid off should help start my fire burning again.

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