Updating Your Affiliate Links: When It's Important To Do It!


There are (rare) circumstances which require you to update your affiliate links, but they include one or more of the following:

  • The product you're promoting is out of stock/no longer available
  • There is a newer/better version of the product available
  • You use a link cloaking tool to mask your link but it's no longer active
  • The product link leads people to a 404 page

These situations will require you to update/change your affiliate links on your existing promotions to make sure audiences go to the right page to get the right product.

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Thank you Vitality for letting me know. I faced similar situation a month ago, but I noticed myself that the product is no longer available and there is a better version of it and the link is there. I decided not to update because I assumed that my website viewer will see the link of updated product and follow. Do you think that it is better to update the like anyway? Thank you.

If the original product would become available then I'd keep the link as is. But if there's a better version out as well as updated, I'd change the link and mention that in the cta on your site.

Thank you.


Ever since I am using WP tasty plugin for Amazon images, it is very easy to fix outdated links.
First, it warns you when this happens (and it happens like once a month though in my case), and then you can easily replace the link with another.
The plugin is like 60 bucks per year, totally worth it for me without having to scroll through every post once in a while. Just a tip ;-)

Great suggestion!

I love that idea, thanks for suggesting it!

Generally, as I have running shoes, too, many times, they are sold out but come later (they don´t say it, but when you know it is popular, you are very sure).
Do you change them all like in this one or keep it and maybe check after a month?

Check after a month or so. I'd go nuts if I had to check daily lol. In rare cases I'd check more frequently and that's for funnels I have that get a lot of views/traffic and in those rare circumstances it makes sense to check more frequently to avoid missing sales.

Appreciate this video. It's a huge remember of what came happen with a product I may be selling.

Thanks again VitaliyG.

Outdated links will do no one any good Vitaliy...

Appreciate the reminder here my friend!!

Hi Vitaliy!

Thanks for the video!

Do you use a link checker app to find all your website affiliate links? AIOSEO has a link checker on the Pro plan, for which I only have the free plan.

Or do you use some other method? I have so many AM links on one of my websites that's been around since 2014 that I am sure there are some outdated links. Going through 200+ pages and posts does not sound productive. Most are Amazon links.

Thanks for any input!

Hi Howard I don't use link cloaking tools anymore. Keeping it simple:)

Got it, thank you, Sir!

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