PPC Basics: How It Works & Why It Matters
PPC stands for Pay Per Click and it's a form of marketing where you:
- Create ads on popular networks like Google Ads.
- Have those ads show up for popular/relevant keywords.
- Get clicks for them (traffic)
- And steer people through some sort of funnel that promotes something (or collects an email list).
This approach to building an online business matters a ton because you can potentially get clicks/traffic to your offers very quickly and grow an online business from that very fast as well. It does require experience and money to get started.
The objective of PPC is "simple" in nature: Earn more on the back end than what you pay for the ad/s which is easier said than done, but this is something we teach. For example here is a series on mastering PPC you're welcome to check out (Premium Plus): https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/classes/series/mastering-ppc/unlocking-the-potential-profits-of-ppc
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Great summary Vitaliy. Will dive into your deeper lessons for more information as my website begins to mature.
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I love your analorgy of cutting in line, I have never thought of it that way before but you are right that's exactly what it is. Keep up the good work Vitaliy, I like your videos.
(analogy) sorry about my miss spelling, I get in a hurry sometimes.