How to Use YouTube Search to Find Great Content Ideas in a SNAP!


The research idea is simple:

  1. Type up a category name in your niche within YouTube search (ex: Trekking poles)
  2. See which results pop up on the auto fill (higher = more popular)
  3. Create video content and/or blog content on the ideas provided

This can easily help you get way more content ideas and in addition to that more opportunities to promote your affiliate items.

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Recent Comments


Great tip here Vitaly, super helpful!

This is GREAT! Thank you Vitaliy. I have a niche similar to your example, Cabin Living, that talks a lot about hiking and other aspects of living in a cabin in the mountains.

I have been in a little bit of a stop mode this past couple of days thinking of what to post next and this will be of great help!


Awesome Mike! Hope you get a lot of awesome content out there based on this :)

Thank you so much for this VitaliyG!

Thank you so much for the great ideas,that you had shared ..

Great ideas VitallyG. Like how you showed exactly how to use YouTube to get new ideas for blogging articles on almost any topic or niche we may have. We are all here to help one another in our niches to get noticed and ultimately get paid for the content we put out there.
Thank you, as YouTube has been an avenue I have been interested in following up on and perhaps even building a YouTube presence to make money.

Thanks very much sir for this enlightenment.i and indeed greatful for impacting us with this knowledge.i am really blessed having you as a method

Happy to help :)

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