How to Regrow Your Online Business During Slow Periods And Setbacks


Slow periods and setbacks in your online business are normal, but it's what you do during and in response to these moments/periods that makes all the difference in your future success.

Having gone through a ton of these experiences over the many years I've been in the business, I want to share with you some personal stories, examples and mindsets I've applied to not just stay in the game, but thrive and grow my business in spite of these negative periods.

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Thank you for your very wise words, Vitaliy, I hear you.

Whatever happens, we have to keep trying to move forward and to stay positive in the situation. The good thing about Internet marketing is there are many different ways to bring traffic to our websites.

Enjoy the rest of your day.


Thanks Roy!

I think this is the right attitude who sets apart the successful people from others! In my 10 years experience selling online, I ALWAYS experience low times and used that time to think and expand on new ideas, until the work started again as usual!

It's important not to listen to our fear and move forward no matter what!

Thanks for this vlog!

You're vwey welcome and I'm glad you have the right mindset during the low times too :)

If I may add a little tip to your vlog is this: when your work is up, SAVE MONEY for the lowest times! In this way, you won't be stressed so much and could focus on studying, without the fear of not knowing how to pay bills that month! :)

I know where you're coming from, Romy. Those are wise words indeed!

Enjoy the rest of your day.


Good class, definite a good idea to know about the high and lows about how sometimes a web site may not be doing as well as previous. The rebounding usually does come along, during the lower part is a good idea to have new thoughts about how to improve the situation. That is one of those ify sort of things and to know how to go about that sort of thing would be good. Your ideas are very good to know as things sometimes get like what.

Thanks Jeffrey, and I agree with your message too!

Thaanks for vedeo,


Hi Vitaliyi,
Great video, all said from the heart, your experience teaches us that we should work harder during the slowdowns because over time it pays off.
Well done

Thanks my friend, always great to hear from you and hope you're doing well!

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