How to Overcome Huge Set Backs in Your Online Business Journey


Along the way to your success, you may encounter what are called set backs in your online business journey, where an event or circumstance occurs that basically makes you want to quit the business. These situations, although seemingly devasting in the moment can actually be a huge opportunity for growth, rebirth (metaphorically speaking) and the opportunity to grow into the next level of your online business.

This has always been the case for me as I have experienced quite a few setbacks in my online business journey. However, I'll be honest in that it really made me wiser, and by taking action and letting go of the past, I was able to move forward and succeed further.

I'd love to know your thoughts on this and if you're open to it, sharing your own stories of set backs and coming back stronger than ever!

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Great advice as always Vitaliy!

We all hit road blocks on our journeys to success...

It's all about how to pass them and learn from them which will improve our chances of succeeding moving forward!!

Just like everything in life!!

Enjoy the rest of your week my friend!


Thank u always enjoy your thoughts Thanks again

Hey VitaliyG,

I'm starting to think that WA is listening through my computer and cell phone. {LOL} just crazy that you did a video like this the morning of my big let down, now i'm no where near ready to give up and quit but i do have that feeling like i failed for sure going to be a long day of rebuilding.

But i'm sure glad you did do the video as it was a big pick me up. well I was having my morning coffee and thinking about my next move and next formula to build.

Thank you for this, very inspirational message. Outstanding job, Members like you keep a person going.

Thank you for that.

Glad it came at the right time Shawn!

Me too

Thanks for the ideas, Vitaly.

hi VitaliyG

Thanks for the inspiring message, i learned a lot from watching this i will try to continue and give myself a chance to succeed in online business.

best regards
Chee Shi

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