How to Boost Conversions And Visitor Trust Via Personal Stories


An important element that I've found which helped my online business grow is sharing personal stories to better connect with my visitors. Whether it be a short, long or emotional based story, it can really help people connect and relate to you in many ways, thus leading to higher trust and potentially boosting sales.

In the above video I have provied at least 2 personal examples of this from my life, but I'd love to hear yours below!

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Great helpful information. Thanks VitalityG

Love it Vitaliy! Personal experiences bring trust... trust leads to better conversions!

Enjoy a wonderful weekend my friend! :-)

Thanks, Vitaliy! Sharing from our personal lives gives that bit of vulnerability that people often look for. They get that "aha" moment when they realize we aren't just robots touting a product.

Thanks for another interesting and insightful video!


Makes a lot of sense, my friend Vitally.

Maxine :)

Hi Vitaliy, Ken here: I think your scenic train ride is a good niche. I do like interacting with others and others just love me :)
I am thinking of creating a site about cell phones (smart ones that can tell time) I would love to hear your thoughts on the cell phone niche. and others of course

Hi Kenneth so it's pretty competitive but you can succeed in any niche with hard work and consistency. I've seen many channels on YouTube for example successfully covering this niche.

I love to work so far a month in I have quite a bit stuff done. while on the niche of skateboarding I'm still focused on it. Many years off the board have made me think more positively.
for an example. the last time I was on the board I was trying a trick where I spin around 270degrees land on a rail with my board in the middle and tried to spin my board around then land and ride away well I managed to get the 270 landing on the rail but the spin out (270 backside lipslide) every try just getting it out.
ok moral of my story before it becomes a novel I went home working on my van than broke my back. I was done for it :( .
I always kept up.

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