How many affiliate networks should you be signed up with?


This is a common question I've seen lately so I decided to address it in the video. In truth there is no wrong answer but it is also a circumstantial thing which has it's own pros/cons. My position is this:

  • At the beginning of your online business journey, sign up with just 1 (an established/popular one with a good reputation)
  • As your business grows, if you can find the same/more products in another affiliate network that pays more, then sign up to that

More does not always equal better!

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I started with Amazon on my established website and used them exclusively for several years. As Amazon continued to change its affiliate structure, I became more disillusioned with them and started adding other affiliate programs. I no longer keep Amazon as my main affiliate and have branched out to use others more frequently. I am starting with two affiliate programs and no Amazon for my new site. It's too soon to measure any success as I am still in the building stages, but I do feel starting out slow until you start seeing some traffic is best.


Thank you Vitaliy, that’s is very helpful.

I just stuck with Amazon for the longest time. Only Amazon. Just recently I have begun to add a couple more that offer more directly related things through Commission Junction. What I like about sticking primarily with amazon is that I get very busy and having to check on several sites can get time consuming and time I do not have much of!

But I did feel after six years I could probably diversify a bit!

Thanks again for so many great ideas.


Less affiliate networks do not always equal better either.

Some are sticking to one or two networks and they are not making any money.

Thank you for the info, Vitaly.

Maxine :)

Thanks for the video Vitaly. Good information.


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