Growing Your Online Business Using The "Planting Seeds" Metaphor
An online business's growth is very similar to the metaphor of planting seeds in a garden and taking care of it, letting it take it's time to grow and basically being patient as this process unveils. In this particular case, I am showcasing my nature site that was demolished by Google's HCU update last year that I'm regrowing in multiple places, but in this case through the Bing search engine.
I am posting a BUNCH of content in recent weeks and it's starting to SLOWLY show promise and traffic results. This is a slow build up but the more I am planting seeds (posting content), the more this is an investment for the future traffic growth (sprouting seeds).
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Ok so I am just getting started and have a long way to go, but something you said has me concerned.
“ that was demolished by Google's HCU update last year”.
If you/I spent a lot of time in the past to promote your site/posts what do you mean that Google demolished your site? I know Google makes updates but will those our other future updates kill all the hard work we put into our posts and make us start all over again trying to bring all new traffic to our posts?
I guess my main question would be is the model of writing an article, posting to your site with affiliate links in it, adding a video and some photos still a good business model to earn an affiliate income? Or has it changed since the last Google update so much there is a better model we need to be thinking of?
the idea behind affiliate marketing has not changed - being helpful within your chosen niche...
the bit that is changing at the moment is the marketing bit - not being totally reliant on google for all of your traffic....
so if you spend a lot of time building your site - good, then you need ot find your traffic sources...and market it to them....
Google's HCU update hit tons of sites, including my own. The same model of making content, affiliate links and targeting keywords still remains intact and new sites (made post HCU update) tend to be doing well. The main message here is not to only rely on Google. I'm still working to get my site back to high google rankings but so far, it's not working too well and these things happen. However, I am still planting the seeds of the site's success elsewhere.
Google has killed this business Vitaily, I am leaving it soon to only concentrate on YouTube.
I am still creating blogs for the business I have that is generating sales. I then use that to generate YT videos, social media posts, etc, that drive traffic back to the posts and to affiliates. That seems to have some promise. Just using the blog as a "sales template"
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Nice analogy Vitaliy! Seeds need to planted and nurtured in order to thrive in the future!