Why flamingoes stand on one leg and something serious.


Well, one more weekend post. I promised to give an answer to the question why flamingoes stand on one leg.Amusing, as it was meant in the beginning, the post turnes out to be quite serious after I have done some research.

Well , the question didn't appear to be too easy. There are a lot of opinions on it.

One of the widely accepted theories is that flamingos stand on one leg to conserve body heat and energy. Tucking one leg under the body helps conserve body heat because it minimizes the surface area that is exposed to the air.

Another theory has to do with the blood circulation. Flamingoes have very long legs and that requires extra work from the heart to circulate blood fully throughout the body. When flamingos stand in cool water, the heart is forced to circulate more blood to keep both legs warm. Tucking one leg closer to the body, a flamingo might reduce the load on its heart.

You can read more about it on this site.


Now - Why and When People stand on One Leg?

When they have ballet classes

When people have workouts

We women stand on one leg when we want to make sure everything is fine with our new shoes

or when we are happy...

Men can stand on one leg when they are happy too...

But now time for a serious talk has come. How long can each of us stand on one leg? Have you thought about it?Is there any difference if you stand on one leg with your eyes open or closed? Don't think it's easy. Just try...

This can be consideed as something more serious than just a general fitness test.

"How good is your balance? Can you stand on one leg for 20 seconds? What about for a whole minute - or with your eyes closed?"- that's what the doctors ask you.

"It's something you might not have given much thought to before, but how well you can balance offers an insight into your general health.

A study published in the journal Stroke found that being unable to stand on one leg for more than 20 seconds was linked to an increased risk of 'silent' stroke - tiny bleeds in the brain that don't cause symptoms, but which raise the risk of both full-blown stroke and dementia."

You can read more to it.


So that is what flamingoes can teach us.If you don't have time to look up the article, take just this advice- stand on one leg when you brush your teeth or make a shake, or talk on your mobile... Be like a flamingo -it will improve your vestibular system...

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Recent Comments


It is an easy question to answer Vera. The Flamingos are doing the "tree pose" in their yoga practice !


hahaha... Where were you while I was searching for the answer?:)

Same place as always....right here ! :-)

OK.. I missed you and did some extra search... LOL:)

Your explanation is much better. I have never really seen a Flamino do Yoga LOL

It'd be cool...Thanks...:)

I may invite one over. Do you speak Flamingo in addition to all your other languages?

i thik i can learn some...We can at least do some hula-hooping together...:)They don't have waists but their necks are very long...:)

LOL I want pictures !

you got some- two beautiful flamingoes... lol:)

No, you doing hula hoops is what I want to see :-)

aaa I can't do it together- hula-hoop and selfie...lol:)

Sure you can !

Wow, Vera!
I've got to try this......

It took two false starts on my right and one on my left......
Second on left and third on right, I then managed the 20 seconds......☺

Good ...With the eyes closed the balance goes to pieces immediately...difficult..:)

Great article Vera. Appreciate your research. I have found that the reason that flamingos are so pink in feathers is that they eat crabs and other crustaceans that have red chitin in their shells and it comes through. However that doesn't follow with blue feathered birds like Herons though, and then there are white feathered gulls.
You have a valid point ln balance. I practice a lot with one leg exercises.

Thank you,Mike.Great to hear from you.An interesting fact about pink feathers.Balance training is a tricky thing. I read that even the best football players could stand on one leg for about a minute with their eyes closed...:)

Okay, you just taught us something. thanks ,

I learned it myself, as well .. Thanks, Mike:)

Thanks for sharing an amusing and insightful post Vera :)

LOL...my husband found this very amusing...and his answer was...because the flamingo was resting the other leg...indeed! LOL
Thnx for sharing. Loved this post.

Hi, a very witty article. Irv.

Thanks... Just thought you might want to look at this one - we were not yet connected. Today's is a continuation of this.

About 10 years ago I was going through some physical therapy for my right ankle. Part of that was one-leg standing on a small trampoline. That's was really tough. But it sure helped my ankle.

Oh great! Thanks for stopping by..:)

I stand on one leg to take pressure off my left leg because of my ulcer.

Good that it helps you... Thanks for reading, Roger..:)

The ulcer hurts. I'm crazy to go to work everyday.

Looks like you are.. What do you do to cope with it?

Today, I'm elevating my leg. The swelling is down for now.

Balance is important. A lot of elderly people are plagued by falls.

Yes, it is true... especially in winter here when the roads are slippery.I can stand on one leg for maybe a minute, with the closed eyes it's different- much more difficult...:)

Flamingo girl. :)

Just going to increase it- with the closed eyes...pretty tough...And you? Does your golf help you?:)

I'm not so good now. Used to be very good-a scratch golfer. :)

But you can resume practice. Muscle memory is usually very strong...Golf looks so aristocratic and refine... maybe not so active though... or maybe I just don't know...:)

It's a real twist and stretch for your whole body, if done properly. :)

Oh great... You need to continue... stretching is so very good for the body:)

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