So Long, Farewell Auf Wiedersehen, Goodnight.(2019)
So long, farewell Auf Wiedersehen, goodnight. I hate to go and leave this pretty sight.
The lines of one of the may wonderful songs written by Oscar Hammerstein II. It really wouldn't be Christmas if we didn't have some sort of reminder of 'The Sound Of Music' now would it.
It is, however, time to say goodbye to 2019. In the words of Peter Sellers, as Inspector Clouseau "Out with the bad air, in with the good"
Well, before we go any further I must say this:It's been an absolute blast. I joined back at the end of January and I can honestly say, I have not had a bad day. Not one and I speak the truth. From my first post (An extravagant 183 words) you have all been nothing but gracious, supportive, tolerant and loving. I had no idea about any of this before my journey began. With the help of all of you, not forgetting Kyle, Carson and Jay, I now know a little bit more. Still, plenty left to learn and I look forward to that. In fact, I relish the challenge more today than I did eleven months ago.
Earlier this month, as some of you may remember, I did a self-imposed 'videothon' and watched, goodness knows how many hours, of 'successful' online entrepreneurs, tell their story of how they would rebuild their business were it to disappear overnight. Everyone had a slightly different plan and strategy. There was, however, one element that was consistent through all of their stories. Even before they started to 'pitch' their various products, ideas and other 'must have' goodies. Any ideas ?
Yep, that was it. Value. In all levels of their business, this was their main concern. Adding or giving value, with and through whatever method they could. It was the underlying and constant theme that ran through all of their accounts.
We all have the inherent ability to add value. We are all unique and bring with us our own perspective. This is because we are all different, come from different backgrounds and look at the world through our own eyes. No one has lived our lives. Our characters, beliefs and ideals are born from the experiences only we have endured.
Knowing the above mean that we are able to impart something that no one else can. This is a beautiful thing. It's beautiful because when I read something you have written, I have never seen it before. Your words will have an impact on me that is mine and mine alone.
Never underestimate your own ability to be able to affect change in someone else's life.
As authors of our own words we give of ourselves for others, in the hope that in some small way our readers will take some of what we have given and use it for the betterment of their own life.
With our words we have the power to not only lift up but to also cut down. It is our responsibility to make our offerings in the manner that befits our positions as authors of original work and to do so with integrity and the right intent. If we do this, then we have done so honourably.
As we cross the threshold of time, from one decade into another, I give you all I can, which is my love and the knowledge that as much as I would like to see success myself, I will always be more happy to see yours.
I leave you with a few quotes that, were it not for finding all of you here, would never had the chance to come into being. That is the power you have.
"We only see the world through our own eyes and not those of others. We get a facsimile of others lives at best, unless we see it and live it for ourselves."
"Self-doubt can be insidious, don't let it stand in the way of who you are and all that you can be."
"It's almost paradoxical or maybe symbiotic. One cannot be, without the other. We all become who we are here, through the interaction we have with each other. Our goals, ambition and destination may vary but our journeys are irrevocably intertwined and it is through that, we can realise our full potential."
Twack Romero
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You have an “Amen” from me on this!
I would add that INTENT is another thing that sets this wonderful community apart from all others. As you said, words can lift us up or cut us down. The miracle of what Kyle, Carson and Jay have created is the way it has attracted millions of people from around the world whose intent is not only to learn for themselves, but to help each other benefit as well.
Vary few bad apples in this bunch!
Wishing you, and everyone, a Happy, Healthy and Successful 2020! 🎉
It really is a place like no other and I feel very fortunate to have found it and all of the wonderful people within, yourself very much included.
Enjoy the night, an incredible 2020 and beyond.
For me Twack the pleasure has been all mine! You truly have a wonderful way with words and I value and enjoy our interactions.
Well done on another great post, and if I may leave you with this quote of mine 😉
"You must value your own self worth before offering it to anyone else" ~Jules
Thank you Jules, you are always so kind. I love your quote, it is very poignant indeed. It's interesting (maybe a generalisation) that we tend to believe in others before we do in ourselves.
“It's Not How Much Money You Make That Counts, It Is What You Do With It That Creates Value.” Tom Short.
“It is OK to dream but most important turn them into a plan, then make them your goal as your life deserves Satisfaction.” Tom Short.
"Put your heart into your work and you will bring other hearts into alignment with yours" Tom Short.
“Choose the type of people you look up to and want to be like and you will then become one of them.” Tom Short.
Thank you for your time,
Happy New Year to you Tom. I look forward to seeing more of your wonderful quotes as we sidle on into 2020.
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When I came to America and answered where I am from, they all said, "Oh yes, The Sound of Music!" (some said " Oh yes, all those kangaroos"!)
At that time, nobody in Europe had seen or heard of The Sound of Music, including me, so I answered, "you mean Mozart?", being from Salzburg.
Our summer house was facing the mountain where they sang the ABC sound. Makes me so sad to miss it. One can never go back. I never understood, nor believed that quote, but I found out, painfully, that it is correct.
Happy New Year!
A very Happy New Year to you also Petra. I wonder sometimes what it would be like to go back to places I grew up in. Then more often than not I know that I prefer to keep the memories 'original' and that they might somehow become blurred if I add the modern view to them.
Exactly. I am afraid to go back and see our idyllic village has become a sea of condo high-rises for example.