Alternative Revenue And Sunbathing

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That is such a cool picture, I really couldn't resist. Time for a tenuous link between alternative revenue and sunbathing, do we think ?

Not a chance, I just felt like adding something a little 'off-piste' to the more serious side of the post. Are we feeling it more now ? Whether we are or not, it can start to feel like we're treading water. A tad 'limboesque'.

Back to it then, the sunbathing can come later. I wanted to share the results of my EBay endeavours for March. I'm not sure if it was a longer month than normal, some feel that way even when they're not.

While we're waiting for our affiliate earnings to start rolling in, which they will in time, it doesn't hurt to have alternative income streams on the go. Finding the right one is not always easy and we certainly don't want to be neglecting our main concern.

EBay is my first choice at present. This is because it's already set up and I kind of know my way round it. It's needs nothing more than items to sell. It would seem that I have plenty of those.

If you've thought about it but just never taken it any further than that, let me reassure you, it's easy. Just register and start selling. It's set up so anyone can do it. Most times I search for the item I want to sell and after finding the most appealing listing, I use it for mine. There's a link under the main photo that says "Have one to sell ? Sell it yourself". Click that and you have a ready-made template.

Anyway, this year I decided to really push it and make an effort every day, to list or sell something. I started to keep a record of each transaction in a notebook, that way I could see how much was coming in, after everyone had taken their fees.(EBay, PayPal and postage costs)

I only began keeping a record at the beginning of February, which, after all fees and postage costs had been taken off, did alright at £388.

March was even better and remember, this is all 'stuff' I have accumulated over the years and serves no purpose at all. March went nuts and after all the deductions, netted £644.99. Certainly helps the cause.

April looked like it was going to be a slow one but has picked up with seven sales so far. Anyhoo, enough of all that. Let's just say you might be pleasantly surprised at how easy it is.

As for the sunbathing. Well, it was a triple bill. First we have the 'Guardian of the Gate'

Then we have the 'Perimeter Patroller'. Apparently it's in their make up. Finally, and you have to bear in mind, that this one is a full-blown Husky, those that yearn for the Winter months and sub-zero temperatures. Here he is, two minutes after being allowed out and into the warmest day of the year.

It really is a hard life sometimes.

Hope you have all had a fabulous day and are staying healthy and safe.

Twack Romero.

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Hey Twack- My eBay sales this past month have been mainly kids books! Lots of Diary of Wimpy Kid sales! With many kids home, lots of time to read!
I track my eBay sales and expenses with GoDaddy Bookkeeping. It imports all my sales, and fees and shipping costs and paypal fees. Easy to compare month to month.
Good luck,

Thank for this Anne. I am still doing all of my 'book keeping' manually. I have a GoDaddy account, so I'll check that option out, it would make life a lot easier.
My youngest is now seventeen, so we've pretty much emptied that particular niche.

Sounds like you are having as great a time of it as the two assassins!! lol no word on Bella? trust she is settling in or you just can't bring yourself to come to terms psychologically to it just yet!! ha ha been resisting it for so long that well its the better half's issue not yours....ha ha

Have a great day!!


No news is good news, she's settled in better than was anticipated, no presents left during the night and she's learning the pecking order.
One thing I did find out though, she's a cross breed, part Bucovina (Wiki says that the Bucovina Shepherd Dog is one of the largest and most powerful rustic livestock guardian dogs and has strong guard dog qualities). I only found out yesterday that the other half is 'Mioritic' which is another large breed dog, with guarding qualities. Good job we stocked up on food.

Oh Good lord!! lols I knew there was a back story! ha ha
Believe me when I say I know large dogs the one before the last rascal I had the first non thorough bred I have befriended and he was the smartest!! Terrier/Spaniel cross Named Zechariah as he was from the hills bred for rabbit catching! thus Zak! was a Rottweiler of the large type his paws were way larger as a pup in proportion to body a bear so called Rupert hence Rupes!

Good job you did those three would eat you out of hose and home if you let them....;

Good to hear Bella is settling in nicely!!


Thanks Rami. I love Rottweillers, all the ones I've met have had amazing temperaments. Used to be one of those misunderstood breeds, not sure if they are still.

Your welcome Twack. As you know hearts of gold, brave and totally devoted my sun as a two year old would sit and push at his face with his feet like water of a duck's back yet you would hear his growl from a hundred yards away to let you know don't you try it while Robbie is with me lols to any stranger approaching...into the garden!!

There was such a demand that they were inbreeding them and some owners as always should have never had them for the mistreatment that is something they will not tolerate for the loyalty they give not a dog to do it with for sheer strength!!

They cleaned they're act up..Rupes had champions all along his lineage and we were interviewed before hand over quite right your being handed a lethal weapon only I've had a dog beside me since I was a baby all kinds!! ;


The inbreeding would explain it. Nowadays they also have their tails, which is always good to see. Never had one myself. Doberman, Alsatian and black Labrador, in recent years. Can't imagine being without one now.

Their tails not being lopped also makes them look much less threatening kinda loppy..lols

Trust you are having a good day!!


I've had better, but that's what you get when you play around with old cars. I will revisit at a later date.
Otherwise, it's been very good
Here's to an outstanding weekend, for both of us.

You mean you have been working on a car the whole day and still to revisit At least there was a otherwise good good in that statement . its no wonder I haven't received a congrats from you lols....Its OK friend no big deal!!

I second that motion on a great weekend for both us...!! ;


I have moved on, the issue will reveal itself to me on another day.
Excuse my tardiness, hopefully, I have made amends.

Lols Twack,
It was a celebration didn't want you to miss out on...I actually think its fraudulent that it has sat at no.1 in the top 10 for two whole days and nights and I have not written an article!! ;)

I actually wanted your views on something only plenty of time for that.... as always friend thank you!!


You're welcome Rami. Now I'm intrigued.

Its nothing more than us rubbing minds on a couple of issues and need to hear what your wise head I said it can wait...lols you concentrate on the Easter celebrations with the family...caught your comment to Jeff and its the same her not a cloud in the sky and temperatures not too bad either. ;)



You too.

Good Morning Twack,

That pineapple looks cool and one starts getting a holiday feeling
In times of crisis, it is obvious one should be a dog.
Now this story about EBay. I have never tried that. Time ago I brought a lot of stuff to a second-hand shop here in the village. The sales were minimal and suddenly the shop had closed and that was that.
At the moment the things we have ordered online, the oldest being on the 24th of Jan, do not arrive. These orders are from different companies, Amazon included. I hope all these things will come eventually because the total is quite a bit of money.
Have you experienced any problems sending your things by mail? By now your house must be rather empty?

Stay safe and healthy, Taetske

Amazon have been having issues Taetske and drop shippers have been dropping off like flies....hope they find their way to you!!

Stay safe!!


Thank you Rami, I hope so too.

Stay safe and healthy, Taetske

So, the phrase 'it's a dog's life' is turned on it's head, in this instance, or maybe it was meant to mean a good life, who knows.
As far as I'm aware, all of my items have arrived at their destination on time. I've used the same courier for years, even the postable items go through them.
As far as 'good inwards' I have one outstanding item, thus far, it's about a week late but has been dispatched. The other item was ordered a month ago and isn't due until the 16th of this month.
If I continue listing an item a day, I would still have enough for the next year and beyond. I have been a bit of a hoarder over the years.

Your welcome!!
Thank you you too!! ;


I have bought the odd item on ebay Twack, supplies but that is it for me. Not felt the urge to do more than that. Surplus items get passed on to family or friends or the charity shop.
Love the sunbathing pineapple.
Glad to see the dogs are working hard to protect you, lol.

I suppose I should be grateful that they at least look the part, although Bella has an excellent bark.
Not much call for old Jaguar and computer parts within the friends and family community, though we do give old clothes to the charity shops.
Ninety percent of the listings are set up to give 10% to a cause, so that's one reason to keep doing it.

You do seem to have a good business going there Twack and you know what you are doing. Car parts are always a good seller I believe.
Here its just bits and bobs not worth selling.
Its good that they are supporting a cause too.

Thank you Linda, it's working quite nicely and everything was paid for a long time ago, so I can be more flexible on prices, which helps.

Congrats on the Ebay sales, Twack! Hmmm, definitely something I should look into more, as I guess I've never really tried Ebay to be honest. I'm pretty sure I could find things around here to sell...have way too much stuff that needs to go before we move to our new home as it is!

Hauling all of it there is not my plan for sure! Plus, since it's a bit of a downsizing in homes, we won't have the room we have now, which is fine by me...less rooms to clean, but much more land to roam on! And even better...the only neighbors will be family next door! Well, hopefully family next door will be a good thing, lol.

Anyways, sorry I got a bit off track, the pics of your dogs! They are adorable! Funny how your husky loves that warm sun, but I suppose we all like to sunbathe for a bit...our dogs do the same thing once we get warm sunny days :)

Thanks for sharing and giving me ideas...selling stuff on Ebay sounds like a great plan! Stay safe and healthy there too!

Best wishes :) ~Sherry

Thank you Sherry, you too.
I like to think that everything has a home. Many people are put off by the fees but I tend to look at it as you have to pay the 'Golden goose'. Another thing is that people want too much for their items, assuming that they are 'worth' more than they are. That's fine but be prepared to sit on them for months. I prefer to see what they're selling for and then put mine up a bit cheaper, that way it sells quicker.
It is defintitely a way of decluttering and getting paid at the same time.
I like your house move plans, more land sounds wonderful.

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