In the last lesson you learned about what your audience wants to learn. We also learned what questions need to be answered. This will give you plenty of information to write about.

Now it is time to actually write out your content to your website, specifically for your audience.

Knowing how to write for your audience means:

  • Answering questions that your audience wants answered (filling the need)
  • Applying a writing-style that addresses them.

Writing Style

Depending on what your definition is of your audience, you can determine in what way you want to address your audience. If your audience is kids between 12 and 17 years old, you will have to write in a different style than when your audience is adults from 25 and up.


Kids might need a lot of images and colours in the text to be able to understand what is being said. You don't want to use difficult words either and avoid long sentences.

Kids of an even younger age need even less words, but simple forms, patterns and bright colours.

Technical Level

You also may want to define how technical or educated your audience is. Does your audience know about the technical terminology or jargon that your niche contains, or do you have to explain everything in baby steps to them?

An example would be writing about WordPress or computers. Does your audience have lots of PC expertise? Can you write to them on a technical level, or do you have to simplify things to make them understand it better and easier.

When you got an affiliate resources site, is your audience:

- people who want to make money online or
- people who know everything about affiliate marketing and want to get the latest news and info.

The people who want to make money online, you probably will have to tell everything in baby steps to, while the people who know already very much about it, will just want to read the technical jargon and the latest and greatest available for their niche.

Mistakes Are Human

When I started my affiliate bootcamp website, I quickly wrote all my first 30 pages of content. When I read all that content a week later, I realized that the content was written for someone like me. Someone who is an IT expert and a marketing manager and understands every technical term that I had thrown at the reader. I had to rewrite all of my content.

This is definitely something to consider. So, write for your audience. Have you done something wrong? Go back and edit these older articles.

Next up: Easy Writing Templates To Use

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Vesna2 Premium
Hello Steven, thank you for the tutorial and congrats!
I've already bookmarked this post and plan to use your methods.
ownonlboss Premium
Hi Vesna! Thanks for coming by and for bookmarking my tutorial.
It's great to help out people and I love to share my knowledge.

Cindyda1 Premium
Hi Steve, thank you for this helpful tutorial. I was reading online elsewhere this morning about writing for your audience...your suggestions are spot on at least with what I have been reading from other Authorities on the subject and also for what makes complete sense to me! You have presented it all in a very easy to follow and easy to understand manner! I have bookmarked this post also and plan on coming back to it as I write more content!
Good job!
ownonlboss Premium
Thank you Cindy!

I did do some research before I did my writing, because I wanted to be absolutely sure that I had said it right. So it is good that it is spot on.

I am happy that it was easy to understand for you. I do know I am rather long of text sometimes, but I tried to write it in a structured and organised manner to my audience.

Always welcome back Cindy!

Benmoore Premium
Thank you for the tutorial Steve. Brilliant tips on research methods and reviews structuring. Thank you for the templates.

We sometimes wonder why we get traffic but no conversions. Your tutorial is a good reminder that it is important to connect with your audience. So, thank you.
Benjamin :-)
ownonlboss Premium
Hey Benjamin!

Thanks and you are welcome of course. I am happy that the tutorial has helped you out.

It is very important to write for your audience, that is probably where it all lies concerning conversions.

Howardc Premium
Hey Steve,
Thanks so much. I learned a great deal about my audience. I copied your tutorial, and I will read it thoroughly at least two more times. It has helped me see the need to focus on my audience much more than I am currently doing!
ownonlboss Premium
Very welcome Howard! Take your time to study it. I will wait here to see if you need any more help.

pablocortina Premium
Thank you for the training
ownonlboss Premium
thanks Pablo! and you are welcome!