What other things do we know about Mel?

Mel is male.

Mel is married.

Mel is a parent.

Mel does shift work in a factory.

Mel is most likely 25-40.

Mel is computer savvy (due to where he hangs out online).

This is where PPC advertising or Facebook ads can come in handy. Use $10 ad spends to narrow your demographics (age, gender, interests, etc.) Start with what you think your customer looks like, and then follow the clicks to narrow your ads accordingly. Say all of your clicks come from males, the next ad spend, you can target them exclusively. Or, all your clicks come from folks over 50 - your next ad spend can specifically target those customers. That's how PPC helps you improve your customer profiles.

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Ultimateless Premium
That is such a good way of breaking down who your customers are and where to target your marketing. Thanks, Mel. Will the real Mel please stand up?
onmyownterms Premium
Well, this Mel doesn't have any children or a wife. ROFL
MKearns Premium
BTW. Very good training!
onmyownterms Premium
Thank you.
MKearns Premium
Mel you have profiled fictitious Mel very well. Hopefully he will be well targeted for the business niche applicable to him.
onmyownterms Premium
Thanks, he's the cantankerous sort and is difficult to sell to.
VRudio Premium
Hi! Thank you for another informative post. This really helpful and it remind me that some of the things you mention, I didn't even realize we need to do it. Like copywriting, I thought in the sense of seller or owner, but never for the customer. I guess I need to adjust the way I'm thinking, especially now that I want to own an online marketing . Thank you again.
onmyownterms Premium
You're welcome.
Caroline67x Premium
Thanks for sharing
onmyownterms Premium
You're welcome.