3. Create Quality Content

Various factors influence search engine rankings, but one is content length. Long-form content has higher chances of earning quality backlinks, and these backlinks significantly improve search rankings.

Furthermore, long-form content is typically more informative and comprehensive than short-form content. These two factors work hand-in-hand to give you the best search engine results.

In addition to optimizing your content for specific keywords, it's essential to use related terms, or "LSI" keywords. These terms provide Google with word association to determine whether your content is relevant to the user.

Similarly, optimizing for natural language searches and questions will help your content gain more traffic and improve your search engine rankings.

Creating content for search engines should be part of a strategy that includes engaging content. Content that's 500 words long was once sufficient to achieve SEO rankings. But times have changed.

While that is possible, it is now much harder to rank for these keywords. For this reason, content length is a critical element in improving search engine rankings (1300 – 2500 words.) Content that conveys real value to the reader is more likely to attract more backlinks.

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lesabre Premium
Thanks for the lesson Lily. Very important stuff.

All the best,

Aussiemuso Premium Plus
It certainly is Michael.

Wishing you success.

Lily 😁🎶
Ruth131 Premium
Thanks for the gold nuggets
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
You are welcome Ruth.
All this begins to make sense over time.

Lily 😁🎶
Ruth131 Premium
It is and thanks
muslimah Premium
These are great ideas.
Thank you, Lily.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
I hope that they are of help Muslimah.

Apples64 Premium Plus
Some really great information in this training Lily.

Thanks for sharing!

Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Hi Mark,
Thanks for the comment. I see you have been very busy lately.
I hope all is going well for you.

Apples64 Premium Plus
All is well Lily and I hope the same goes for you?

Yes the fingers have definitely had a workout f late :)
