Why Trade My Time for Money?

My simple answer to this question is, "Because many of us are not yet proficient enough not to."

We have to generate income somehow...and for most of us, that means employment. A very high percentage of the entire workforce are disengaged with their jobs. With no end in sight and stuck in positions out of sheer necessity (wage slavery) give the average employee a sense of dependence and despondency. Bleak as all this is, you can begin now to change it.

There are things you can do to speed up the process. A few changes in lifestyle and habits will put you on the road to in becoming proficient in consistently generating enough sales to quit that job.

Some time ago I ran across a website entitled, Why Work It was just one of many resources encouraging replacing the "working for money" with "making money work for you." All well and good...if you can do that.

How Do I Make Money Work for Me?

This comes with the right kind of education, commitment and tenacity. There is a right way to do this, and there is a wrong way. Adeptness to do this incorrectly in the early stages of the game come from lack of patience and the inability to delay gratification. This can lead to disastrous results!

Very often we hear the concept of "Firing your Boss." It's a novel idea, and some of us have even gone so far as to quit our job and delve into Internet marketing. We get that great sense of freedom not having to get up in the morning at the whim of an alarm clock, the hustle and bustle of the daily commute and then the job itself.

I've done this...and initially, it felt like the whole world had been lifted off my shoulders! Albeit this is short-lived! Over confident that Internet marketing is going to work for us in a week, two weeks, what have you, we find very quickly that well... in spite of our aspirations, the process of gaining mastery usually outlasts our need of having to come up with money to pay the bills. Whilst some have done this and succeeded pulled it off, for many of us, it isn't a wise choice to quit our jobs too early.

Learn from my experience... Leaving the employment world too early will counteract your desire to live life on your own terms. It led to so much stress that it interfered very badly with my performance even though I had all the time in the world! It is VERY important you stay in your job until you are ready. You will actually get more done!

Why Work?

Because sometimes that's simply expedient. The great thing about Wealthy Affiliate is, of course, the education we can derive has the potential of setting us free from the drudgery of our jobs. For the sake of those who might be tempted to "fire his or her boss" or even let down his or her guard in a current job's immediate value, it is important to remain in position until such time consistent income from online business matches the present wage income. Do Not Leave Before You Accomplish This!

Rome Wasn't Built in a Day. Neither will your proficiency in this exciting industry...but patience, determination and hard work will pay off, setting you free into the Internet economy where only your imagination is the limit.

As employees, until we can master what we are learning here, we must prioritize how we use our time and unfortunately, for the time being, your employment takes up the lion's share of our time and energy. This is where direction, tenacity and discipline must be exercised with all due diligence!

This tutorial covers how we can make the most of our limited resource - time - and make the trade-offs necessary to achieving our goals of reaching true entrepreneurship and building businesses online.

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jespinola Premium
Great Job Daniel
Thanks Jorge
jespinola Premium
Daniel. Thank you for this post. I definitely needed it today!
Are you in a job that you don't like? Sad folks are forced to take jobs that lie outside of their interest levels because it's something they must do for survival. It's like being in a prison without bars.
theranman Premium
Nice job Daniel. Thanks
You are welcome. I hope you found it useful. Good advice for myself had I known this two years ago!
theranman Premium
Yep, that's called aging of wisdom :-)
Better1inCO Premium
I am currently struggling with time management and this blog has some great ideas about how to solve them. I thank you for your time and advice.
It's from a lot of thought and soul earching.
nathaniell Premium
Very useful training Daniel. Time management and perseverence are essential to success. I think a lot of people are having to balance a job and Wealthy Affiliate training so will find this useful.
Time management is VERY important for anyone, especially those that work and have diminished time to get stuff done.