When something like our situation occurred, Red Skelton took a prat fall. But then he got up again, usually finding some silly way to get around a problem. He never said, "Darn, I have a problem so I'm going to lay down and die."

I remember when I was a kid with no money and I turned to the age of 12 (now age 11). All my boyhood I wanted to join the Boy Scouts. Before any major scout trip, the scouts pitched their tents on the church lawn and stood for inspection. Before the war they always went to the Tetons. The war stopped that but we knew the war would end and that we would go to the Tetons again, which we did in 1946. But the immediate problem in 1944 was getting a scout uniform. The war provided the solution. There was a shortage of field workers and we were allowed to leave school to harvest onions. I earned $13.00, a huge sum of money, and I bought a new uniform, no hand-me-down stuff, and enough boondoggle to build a chain to China.

The point is that if you want something bad enough you will get it.

Now I know that it is best to stay out of debt. but being a Mormon, I was taught early that it is O.K. to go into debt for a home, a car so you can get to work, and for education that will improve your ability to achieve those goals that will improve your life.

They say that if you want something bad enough, you will beg, borrow or steal to get it. I would change this to beg, borrow or WORK to get it. When we finally were allowed to go to the Tetons, I worked hard for weeks digging up rocks and cultivating a lot and planting grass and watering it in the hot Utah sun. I guess I cut a few zillion lawns too. I wanted that trip more than anything in the world. (at tjbooks.com read "Bill Schultz and the Teton Ride" to get the spirit of that trip.)

Next Page: How to Get a Few Hundred Bucks for an Annual Membership

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What a small world that you mention Red Skelton. Many years ago in a Western Tack store in Houston I met Red Skelton. My mom and I were doing some horse tack shopping, when a man a few feet away was doing everything he could to get my attention. There were a lot of Bowler Hats near him and he kept switching hats and his actions got wilder & funnier. I stood there mesmerized by this funny man. My mom leaned over and said "do you know who that is, that's Red Skelton. Being a stupid kid, I blurted out, "it can't be, he;s dead! Oops, it was him and he was so kind to me. What a truly good man he was (or is). What a great memory he gave me.

Thank you John!
bigstevec Premium
as a kid i loved Red - i'm definitely jealous - he truly came from the heart
Yes, he was wonderful & gentle. He was doing Clem Kadiddlehopper for me. I will never forget it, what a special moment!
TJ Books Premium
For fun! What a story. I met Gene Autry when I was a kid. Big thrill for a kid. J
ronamo Premium
John, as usual. a great post. Your body may be aging, but your mind is as young as can be.
TJ Books Premium
I just got back from Seattle. A long drive and my body is aging. Tnx. John
suem Premium
Absolutely! If you want something enough you will find a way to achieve it :)
jespinola Premium
Great Training John
bryonbrewer Premium
It is true there is "good debt" (fees and trainings that will make you more money in the future) and "bad debt" (TV's and Boats etc)