WA, the Fastest Way. Part Three :

5) Use another of Jay's videos to make sure you are doing ALL of the correct things that you need to do to make a site rank fast. Find that here:: 21 Minute Ranking Method in 7 Steps

For additional information about this, you can also watch his hot seat video where he analyzes the sites of WA members who have volunteered to have their niche sites critiqued.

Watching him do this helps you critique your own site and gives you a checklist to follow for every page or post that you make.

You can find that video here: Hot Seat 2017! MAY the Niche Force be With You

6) Very important (and often forgotten) is to submit each and every page of your website to Google for indexing then resubmit your sitemap.

Do this now (and from now on after each page or post you publish) following the instructions from step 5.

This process can take quite a few minutes the first time as you go through your site and enter every page that you want to be ranked. Later you will do this one page at a time so it will be quite fast.

The step-by-step instructions are in the first video from step 5. You can find that here Jay's 21 Minute Ranking Method in 7 Steps video at the 1:03:22 mark.

Now you are set up. Congrats! AND back to work!

7) Go back to the Certification Course you left off at and follow Kyle's instructions step-by-step. Keep creating posts that are written to "low hanging fruit keywords" (see step 2 for links.) The more posts you have, the more searches can potentially find your site.

When you aren't motivated to write or create, then that is a good day to sit and listen to Jay talk about whatever topics interest you in the Live Training Archives.

Find that archive list here: Jay's "Live Training Classes"

8) Don't forget to follow ALL 7 of the steps in Jay's 21 Minute Ranking Method in 7 Steps video and that includes requesting site indexing from Google for the new page or post you created.

Be patient though, because the site Jay uses to give that example has been around and publishing helpful content for years, so Google considers it an authority site. This makes ranking faster and is why his example works so fast.

Continued in Part Four...

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Loes Premium
Thanks for all the links Geoff:)
mybiz4u Premium
Thnx, G.
Triblu Premium
Great tutorial Geoff!
ChrisScott Premium
Very Good Training and well thought through, formed, and prepared.
hirohurl Premium
Very useful. I like the way you tie all the relevant pieces from different parts of WA into a single, easy-to-follow lesson.