Adding and Removing Plugins
Just as how you can add and remove themes, you can also add and remove plugins.
Plugins should also be unpacked/unzipped before you can upload them to your website using FTP.
You do this in windows explorer or something like that. Here you see the plugins I unpacked:
The directory where WordPress stores its plugins is:
httpdocs - wp-content - plugins
make sure you go into the plugin directory before you start uploading the new plugin.
Each plugin has its own directory, so make sure that the plugin you are uploading also is within its own named directory.
Select the directory of the plugin on the left, then either drag it to the right side or right-mouse button click and select upload to upload the entire plugin directory with its content.
Note that when you have uploaded a new plugin to WordPress, you need to activate this still within Dashboard - Plugins.
Plugins that malfunction are easily to remove by selecting them (right window) and pressing delete on your keyboard or right-mouse-button and delete.
Make sure you deactivate them, before deleting them.
It can be a good idea to make a backup (explained in page 5) before you do so, in case you made a mistake and deleted the wrong plugin. From backups we can easily restore plugins, themes and other files by uploading them back to the website.
Thanks for this excellent training. I've been seeing references to FTP but had no idea what it was and how to use it. You detailed instructions will be a great reference tool!
Very detailed and easy to understand bro, thanks again, peace! :-)