Statistic Hook

A statistic hook often works well for those more informational pieces of writing. The writer uses a quote from a source that relates to the main idea of the topic. However, this quote contains some type of statistics. These might include numbers, decimals, and/or percentages. Be sure to explain the meaning and relationship of the quote to the topic afterward to the reader to ensure they completely understand.

  • Example: "People who are vegans, that is, they eat no meat or animal products, have a life expectancy of 7 to 10 years longer than those eating the standard American diet" according to a recent study by Oxford University. The study goes on to show that vegans also enjoy better health for longer, too. It seems that a healthy vegan lifestyle enables people to not only live longer but also healthier with less chance of debilitating disease.

    For topics with startling or surprising statistics, the statistic hook works quite well. People often are drawn in to see how and why these statistics make sense.

Next, we'll look at the anecdotal hook.

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Siobhan3 Premium
Very helpful.
DianeK59 Premium Plus
Thank you, Siobhan.
bjdluna Premium Plus
this is great information in an area in which I could use a lot of improvement!

Thank you for this post, Diane!

DianeK59 Premium Plus
You are welcome, Barbara. I'm glad you found it helpful.
bjdluna Premium Plus
Yes, very much so!
FrankB-1 Premium Plus
Very instructive, Diane, and much appreciated! 😊
DianeK59 Premium Plus
Thank you, Frank. I'm glad you found it useful.
FrankB-1 Premium Plus
I like the way you categorized all the opening hooks. 😊
DianeK59 Premium Plus
Thank you!
Julia39 Premium
I enjoyed reading your training Diane and I am glad to say I also use the hooking tips you mention. Enticing your reader to want to know more, is a cool way to grab their attention. I believe the intro is a must in hooking readers, otherwise they would move on some other catchy intro.
Thanks for your insight in this area it will help many who jump in for a read👍
DianeK59 Premium Plus
Thank you, Julia. I appreciate your comments!
DragomirVC1 Premium Plus
Important topic: the hook!
I haven't meditated on this topic for a long time.
Thank you for this good opportunity.
DianeK59 Premium Plus
I'm glad you found it helpful, Vasile!
Like so much of our training, reviewing occasionally is quite helpful!