Keyword Relevance

Traffic no longer converts like it used to. Several years back you could simply put up a web page and send traffic to it, and you would experience success. This is because there was not much competition, and people were not the smart consumers they are today. High volume traffic simply is not enough anymore!

Time and time again we see new marketers aiming for high traffic, rather than high relevance. This is a huge mistake because the amount of traffic your site gets is irrelevant if it does not convert. Think about it. You are much better off having 1000 highly relevant keywords that each get only one click/day, than one keyword that gets 1000 clicks/day. Sure it is going to take much longer to set up a campaign, but nobody said that success happens overnight and without any work.

You should always avoid broad keywords unless you have a good working knowledge of the particular industry you are promoting AND you can afford to lose some money while you are testing. While it is true that broad keywords can convert and you can monetize broad traffic through building mailing lists, remember our goal get sale conversions. Don't focus on the quantity of traffic when starting out, focus on the relevance. This can assure you much higher conversion ratios.

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jchavez Premium
Can't see diagram
shavens Premium
Link is broken to "common Keyword technique" :)
Link is broken to "common Keyword technique" :)
adryheat Premium
What diagram? "The above diagram outlines the flow of relevance". Something missing here.
What diagram? "The above diagram outlines the flow of relevance". Something missing here.