WA is a very welcoming community but there are a certain number of behaviours that are not tolerated and could get you banned not just from using the Live Chat but being a member of WA altogether.

Promoting affiliate links

Some people join WA with the intention of promoting other products to members or trying to get links to assist them outside of WA. It isn't allowed.


A little whilte ago - there was a member who said Hi 'I'm (name). and I'm a writer who can write articles for you on any subject. He then proceeded to send this same message every time a different person was in Chat. This type of spamming is not allowed. People don't want the Live Chat clogged up with such

Insulting a member of WA

Although sometimes there can be differences of opinion between some members or a couple of people may become a bit techy with each other, this is quite different from someone insulting another member of WA which is just not allowed.

"Say what you mean, and mean what you say, but don't say it mean!"

Insulting WA

If there's something that you're not happy with about WA you should raise it with Kyle and Carson. However, this should be done in an appropriate manner and they will not allow you to damage the happiness of the WA community.

Shown below is a rare example of someone who is being extremely unpleasant. You will not be surprised to learn they are no longer a member.

Using inappropriate language

Swearing or using any type of derogatory or discrimanatory language should not be used.

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Hudson Premium
Thanks for taking the time to do this for us Beverley, very informative,
BIS Premium
Thank you. Hope you found it useful

Deezdz Premium
Well done Beverley. Excellent tutorial!
BIS Premium
Thanks for taking the time to comment Dee.
mdude Premium
I have been trying to figure out if the Live chat is where we can ask others to review our sites and give feedback. As per your list this looks acceptable, are there any cautions you could add about this?
BIS Premium
Hi - You can either drop into the Live Chat and ask people to take a quick look at your site ( in which case you will get quite a quick response), or if you would like to open it up to more people, then post a blog asking people to review. Either way you will get some answers.

If you let me know - I'm happy to take a look

Shawn Martin Premium
Nice job Beverley. this was overdue!
BIS Premium
Thanks Shawn. Hopefully it will help some of the new members or some of the people who are reluctant to use it.
Labman Premium Plus
Well covered, missed a couple of the mechanics like the Reply button and the Actions button but these are small problems. I might redact the Fer quote to remove the name as she asked to be purged from this system ( I would remove references to that user). And you are welcome for the screen shot.
BIS Premium
Thanks Craig - I did include something on the Reply button - you must have missed it. it's on the second page - I didn't explain what the action button was for - so I have added it. I have removed the name as suggested. Thanks
Labman Premium Plus
Sorry, yes I did skip right over it. Hmmm, banner blindness?