3. Look & Feel of your website

The look and feel of a website is usually determined by the use of colors and lettertype.
If you haven't really a particlar style yet then you can take your logo as a starting point.
For companies that have been running the same logo for a long time, it is of course a true must to build the website in the same style and colors.
It takes care of recognisability and it gives the visitor a familiar feeling.
If you just start with your business then you can take color elements from the logo and let them return on your website.
What colors do you think your visitors like?
Which colors match your service or products? Colors can influence people unconsciously.

My audience loves primary colors

They call it color psychology. Therefore, be aware that the colors you use on the website have a huge impact on the behavior and feelings of the visitor.
This training goes deeper into the effects of colors on websites.

Training: Psychology of colors on your website

Most successful websites have white backgrounds.
Think carefully whether you want to change that. The mean reason to choose a white background is, that it gives your visitors a calming effect,
and it's easier reading texts on the website. Secondly, because the color white ensures that all other colors on the website are alright to use. Not convinced yet?
Do you wonder which background color the following successful websites have?: WA, Facebook, Google, Youtube and Wikipedia.

4. The set up; The menu; Categories

The set up:
Setting up a website is not easy. Anyone who has ever built a website can understand this. Every element has to be considered because each element has an effect on the conversion and the overall rating of the website. The purpose of the website and the layout of the website are closely linked. Before proceeding, it may be good to know that a visitor decides whether to stay longer or to leave the website immediately (which end up in high bounce rates).

You have 5 seconds, in these few seconds you must convince a visitor to "stay on" your website.

But where does that visitor look at exactly? The picture below shows how visitors view / scan your site.

As you can see, visitors look in the F form to your website. Mostly from left to right. With this knowledge, you can influence the process a little. Important information, menu buttons are placed on top of the website and one picture and H tag above the fold.
When you have a left and a right sidebar, put the most important info in the left one.
In addition, it is important that the website is arranged logically and is to navigate in a simple way.

Important rule for webshops: Be sure your visitors get to the checkout page within 3 clicks. Make sure there are enough click-through options on the website.

The Menu:
Take a good look at your menu, what do you want people to click?
  • You privacy Policy? No? Move it out to the footer!
  • At first your about me page? No? Move it to the right.

Start right away with categorizing your posts.
It's very helpful to your visitors when they are interested in a particular subject.
Here is my other training: All you need to know about categories

All you need to know about categories

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bill808 Premium Plus
I just got off the phone with someone who was asking me for advice on how to have a good website. Perfect.
Loes Premium
I must be clairvoyant, Bill:)))
bill808 Premium Plus
Always Loes, enjoy everything you do here at WA and look forward to the next one.
Loes Premium
Thanks Bill:)
MKearns Premium
I'm most glad to see content featured in this excellent training Loes. To me the most necessary part. Saving this!
Loes Premium
Thanks Michael, content is king!
RodClark Premium
Thanks Loes - good advice.

Loes Premium
My pleasure sharing Rod:)
mybiz4u Premium
Thanks so much Loes.
Loes Premium
Glad you like it Michelle:)
Easy-Moneys Premium
Your Training is always precisely on-point Loes!!!!

Thank you once again!

Loes Premium
Thanks Barb! Very nice to hear!