You'll next want to add your newsletter, using the BlossomThemes Email Newsletter plugin that was installed earlier.

Go back to your WordPress dashboard and click the Add New in the plugin settings area.

You will then be directed to a page where you can configure the newsletter settings, and provide relevant information about your newsletter.

The sections below are the areas you will want to complete:

Section A: This is where you will want your headline to be placed. This headline will appear above your opt-in form.

If you need help thinking of a great headline, then do a search here in Wealthy Affiliate.

There are many blog posts about choosing great headlines, you're sure to find something suitable to assist you.

Section B: Select the Name and Email option, this is so that the form will have an area where a subscriber can add both their name and email address.

Section C: This is the text that will display on the button that users will click to subscribe to your mailing list. Directly under that, is a box you should check for GDPR compliance.

Section D: This is the button that you will need to click to create & save your newsletter.

Section E: This is the shortcode you will need to use to insert your opt-in form on your landing page.

Copy this shortcode now, and then click the publish button.

You will now need to go back to the Appearance > Customize > Front Page Settings > Banner Section

Directly under the image you added, at the bottom of that area, is the form where you can paste your shortcode that you just copied.

Paste the code there now, and then click the blue Publish button to save your changes.

Below, you can see how the opt-in form appears on my site, it'll look this great on yours as well!

You can see here, why I suggested that the predominant part of your image be to the left, so that the form will not cover anything important that you wish to display to your site visitors.

Before you begin the next lesson, you may want to take a bit of a break.

The next section will be a bit more complex, as it will require you to add text that is related to your mailing list so you'll want to be sure that you've rested a moment so that you can think more clearly.

I highly recommend that you break for at least an hour, or even overnight if you feel that you need longer.

If you have any questions, or wish to discuss this lesson, please comment in the discussion area below and I will answer as quickly as I am able!

Tasks 0/2 completed
1. Create your newsletter opt-in form .
2. Paste the shortcode in the banner section to display the form on your landing page.

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sylviapessy Premium
Hey, how are you?

I thank you so much for this training, I need it and I really appreciate it if you willing to give me an answer.

I using the Blossom Themes Email Newletter, and the question is How to set the landing page width/ form width on the page or post? because it appear full on the footer area of my welcome page.
The otherside, I still want the sidebar appears on the right side of my page.

Kind Regard
NorbertM Premium
Hi Maria, Thanks for this training!
I just had a very small issue.
I don't want my About me to be shown on the landing page. Would you recommend showing it or not? And for some reason, the testimonial is going above my call to action section, and my "white space" is not created between the footer and the call to action. Is there a way to change it?
MariaDale Premium Plus
Norbert, Jeremy has replied with the first things I would suggest as well. If his solution does not work, let me know and I will work with you to get it fixed.

Do you use Zoom? I have helped a few here by sharing my screen via zoom so they can see me as I go through the steps, the visual tends to help them.
NorbertM Premium
Hi Maria, I did not use so far zoom, I didn't need it. In the meantime I managed to sort the issues. I had a Simple call to action, which is positioned lower on the page than the Call to action section! Thanks
NorbertM Premium
Thanks for your reply
MariaDale Premium Plus
You are welcome, congratulations on sorting it out.
sbarrow4 Premium
Hi Maria. It is late in Australia. I will come back to you in the morning. I really appreciate your support
MariaDale Premium Plus
I have received your PM, am replying now.
sbarrow4 Premium
Hi Maria. Since I have changed themes.The underlining in my blogs that led to a product review and the underlining in the product review that led to the product information and purchase are no longer underlined/highlighted. The links are all still in place. Your advice would be appreciated.

I have only been going for 2 months so my selection of products from the affiliate companies are a little scant. Therefore my text widgets are also a little scant. Will I just run and fix/upgrade as I go.
Thanks again.
MariaDale Premium Plus
I'd need to see it myself to see what you mean, can you send me a screenshot via PM?