What It Means to Have the Universe Working For You

If you’ve ever heard the saying “You get out of something what you put into it,” then you’ve just heard the meaning of the Law of Attraction described. What goes out into the Universe will always come back to you.

That means that if you wake up in the morning and you’re in a bad mood, you might act out of sorts and grumpy. You might head to work and discover that all of the commuters in the other cars are also grumpy.

You arrive at work and find out that all of your colleagues are behaving with the same level of irritation. You talk to your boss and he almost bites your head off he’s so grumpy.

What just happened is that the LOA was giving back to you exactly what you put out. When you’re in a bad mood, you often project those negative feelings out into the world.

And because the Law of Attraction will attract the same thing that you put out, how you behave affects what’s delivered to you. So if you want happiness and joy brought back to you, that’s what you must first radiate into the Universe.

You can’t radiate negativity and get back positives because the LOA works with whatever you give it to work with. If you bolster your courage and decide that you’re going to walk into a room with confidence, then you’re projecting that.

The LOA is going to bring that confidence back to you by the way that others will view you. They’ll see that you’re a confident person and you’ll get the reputation that you’re the one people can count on - which is very helpful in any job relations.

This can help you get promotions when you project an air of confidence. Your attitude about how you live your life makes all the difference in the world. When you wake up in the morning, how you feel will determine how that day goes as well as how your life goes.

For example, if you wake up in the morning feeling empowered like you can get done what needs to be done and you’re determined that success is going to be yours, then it will be.

But on the other hand, if you wake up in a funk and you feel down, like there’s no point in you even trying because you just can’t win, or you just can’t get ahead, then that’s exactly how your day will go.

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Loes Premium
Very interesting Catherine!
TheCatherine Premium Plus
Thank you
Kathy331 Premium
Got to pop out this morning but will read later. I know I'll enjoy, your Part 1 was great!
Larry MaC Premium
good read. Thanks for sharing.
TheCatherine Premium Plus
you are welcome thanks for reading it
NancyLian Premium
"The Law of Attraction", I read that book. This belief is based upon the idea where positive or negative attitudes can produce corresponding results. "Watch your thoughts, it become words, Watch your words, it become actions".

Thank you for the post, this would remind me to be positive in my thinking and attitude :-)

TheCatherine Premium Plus
There are literally thousands of books about the law of attraction but it is something you need to get.Thanks so much for reading it
BenORourke Premium
Thanks for this great post. Bookmarked for daily reading until it becomes automatic!
TheCatherine Premium Plus
Habits are great especially with this