Cleaning the house is another avenue where the blame game exists. The house doesn’t get clean because someone else makes a mess. Or it gets messy because the dog ran through the house with muddy paws right after you cleaned the carpet.

You couldn’t clean those muddy footprints because you don’t have any shampoo left in the carpet shampoo machine because someone else used it all and didn’t replace it.

You can’t vacuum because someone else sucked something up into it, burned out the belt and it hasn’t been fixed yet. You’ve had too much to do at work. Your kids have had too many outside activities.

There was a great movie on last night and you got caught up in watching that instead of cleaning like the house needed it. If only someone hadn’t left the television on.

Or if only your family member or friend hadn’t called you on the phone wanting to talk, you would have gotten the house clean. Maybe you don’t have the equipment that you need because your vacuum cleaner broke and it’s not fixed yet.

Or you don’t have any cleaning solution because the store was all sold out of the kind that you use. The house is messy because it’s not all your fault. You just can’t keep up.

While this could all be true, it’s still part of the blame game. We all do exactly what we want to do. We will make the time for what we enjoy or what we must do in order to survive.

What falls low on our priority list is easier to blame others for. Maybe you can’t ever find the time to relax because you’re too busy working or taking care of the house.

Or perhaps you have too many family responsibilities. You’re running children to and from activities or taking care of elderly parents. You might be having health problems or financial problems and you don’t ever feel that it’s your fault.

It’s always someone else’s fault that you find yourself in the position that you’re in. If you want the LOA to work for you, then you have to stop pointing fingers. If your relationships aren’t working, don’t point at your partner or your family members or your friends.

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Loes Premium
Very interesting Catherine!
TheCatherine Premium Plus
Thank you
Kathy331 Premium
Got to pop out this morning but will read later. I know I'll enjoy, your Part 1 was great!
Larry MaC Premium
good read. Thanks for sharing.
TheCatherine Premium Plus
you are welcome thanks for reading it
NancyLian Premium
"The Law of Attraction", I read that book. This belief is based upon the idea where positive or negative attitudes can produce corresponding results. "Watch your thoughts, it become words, Watch your words, it become actions".

Thank you for the post, this would remind me to be positive in my thinking and attitude :-)

TheCatherine Premium Plus
There are literally thousands of books about the law of attraction but it is something you need to get.Thanks so much for reading it
BenORourke Premium
Thanks for this great post. Bookmarked for daily reading until it becomes automatic!
TheCatherine Premium Plus
Habits are great especially with this