When your job isn’t going well, don’t look to your colleagues, suppliers or boss to blame. The times the house is a wreck, your health is bad and your finances are a mess, take a hard look at how you’re contributing to letting these issues be a part of your life.

While the Law of Attraction does help to attract good things to your life, you have to take personal responsibility for the things that are off-kilter right now. For the relationships, figure out what it is that you’re doing wrong.

Stop blaming someone else if you’re miserable in a relationship. No one can make you unhappy without your permission. No one else has the power to upset you or as many people seem to think to “ruin” your life.

That’s power you give them by not accepting personal responsibility. What you have to do with relationships is to figure out what’s going wrong. What’s upsetting you?

Next, you look for the solution. If there is no solution that you can see, you can either reach out to a third party for advice or help or put the brakes on that relationship.

At work, plan ahead so that the blame game stops. Put the responsibility for getting your work done squarely on your shoulders and have a backup plan for when someone else’s issue can affect your work.

If you have trouble keeping your home neat and organized, schedule a time to clean it and don’t let anything but an emergency distract you from that time. Or, you can hire a cleaning service.

Even if you hire someone, you’re still taking responsibility and that’s a good thing. Find time to relax by adding that to your schedule the same way that you would schedule a doctor or dentist appointment.

You’re making an appointment with yourself. Take that time to go to the movies, go for a walk, or sit quietly and listen to your favorite music, but make the time to relax because it helps reduce stress.

Relaxed people also find it easier to attract relaxation to their lives. If your health is suffering and it’s because of some lifestyle habits you have that aren’t conducive toward good health, then quit them.

Make small changes to your diet, exercise, and get involved in activities that promote good health. Problems with finances can cause us to be more negative than positive.

If you’re struggling on this end, there’s one of two ways to fix it. You must either earn more or spend less. If you’re tapped out because you’ve lived above your means for too long, then you need to stop spending, take on a part time job along with the one you have and work to pay off your bills.

While the LOA will attract financial wealth to you, it doesn’t just work because you want it to. It works because you’re the driving force behind it. Hard work pays off by attracting more opportunities to earn the money you need to make.

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Loes Premium
Very interesting Catherine!
TheCatherine Premium Plus
Thank you
Kathy331 Premium
Got to pop out this morning but will read later. I know I'll enjoy, your Part 1 was great!
Larry MaC Premium
good read. Thanks for sharing.
TheCatherine Premium Plus
you are welcome thanks for reading it
NancyLian Premium
"The Law of Attraction", I read that book. This belief is based upon the idea where positive or negative attitudes can produce corresponding results. "Watch your thoughts, it become words, Watch your words, it become actions".

Thank you for the post, this would remind me to be positive in my thinking and attitude :-)

TheCatherine Premium Plus
There are literally thousands of books about the law of attraction but it is something you need to get.Thanks so much for reading it
BenORourke Premium
Thanks for this great post. Bookmarked for daily reading until it becomes automatic!
TheCatherine Premium Plus
Habits are great especially with this