You've observed a blog post that looks exactly like one of the posts you originally created on your own blog, right? There are things you can actually do to stop this and there are legal steps you can take to reduce the rate at which people steal content from your blog.
Sometimes, you may find out that all of the posts on your blog have been duplicated by another person which may include the images, videos, and some of the links used on your blog. There's no point getting worried anymore about what to do or how to go about such situations.
Some people may deliberately duplicate your blog content with a view that they're doing it to help you broadcast your blog. When this happens, you'll probably start thinking on what to do to ensure that this is minimized.
While it's happening that some people are stealing content from your blog, it's necessary to first know if you will likely take any action or not.
Do You Think You Need to Fight Those Who Steal Content from Your Blog
It's very sure that you'll get seriously annoyed with the content thieves who try to steal your blog content. There won't be any much issue to worry about if the blogs stealing your content are not found anywhere in search results.
Sometimes ago, I used to give up on those who stole content from my blog not until I realized that I was wasting a lot of time finding those thieves as well as dealing with them. Instead of concentrating on prosecuting the content thieves and all of that, I'll rather focus on publishing more quality content for my audience.
But ever before, I used to get so furious about those who copied content from my site as I knew Google would penalize anyone that was found with duplicate content. So, I was baffled whenever I discovered that my posts were being duplicated by other people being afraid of the fact that I might be penalized by Google.
Many of us learned yesterday that a DMCA takedown notice can be issued for no infringement at all, as one high-earning, IMer and WA member is going through this right now.
If it is THIS easy to abuse the DMCA takedown notices then this option may end up disappearing, as being used to destroy someone's business was never the intention of a DMCA tackdown notice.
Personally, I have installed plugins in hope of slowing down my sites being scrapped, however, I have to be honest in that I'm too busy to continually check for this happening.
Wasn't all that long ago that content that had been shared on my hobby websites since the '90s was literally copied and pasted in the EXACT format I created it in and shared in a Wiki site that Google ended up ranking well above my hobby site for this information.
Needless to say, since then I no longer have a lot of faith in Google punishing those who copy content.
Having said all this... it is only my take on this issue.
Would not Google know who put the content out there
first just saying :)