How Connections to Influencers Can Help You Become Successful with Your Blog

It's no longer easy like before to get traffic from social media platforms unless you build engagement thoroughly with the people as you do exactly on your blog. Another way to get social media traffic now is to buy Ads packages which so many veterans cannot afford to buy.

Most of these social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and many others have now introduced their Ads marketing platforms. And as a result of that, sharing posts, liking posts, and many other social activities we usually carry out have resulted to pouring water into empty baskets. All these activities are no longer fetching the traffic like before.

So, if you are thinking of generating a lot of traffic from social media platforms, then you're thinking of buying their Ads packages. The founders of these social media sites have monetized their platforms with the Ads packages.

I never said you can't get some free traffic sharing posts, liking posts or performing any other usual activity on social media anymore without buying Ads though, you must have built a thorough engagement there with a lot of people to get an appreciable amount of traffic.

Keep sharing posts on social media as I do everyday, but make sure to build a solid engagement with the people if you know you can't afford the advertising packages.

Here are the ways in which building connections with influencers can give you a myriad of lifetime opportunities:

  1. Brand building
  2. Boosted traffic
  3. Worthwhile relationship
  4. Shared reputation
  5. Connection building
  6. Job opportunity through relationship
  7. Boosted sales
  8. SEO enhancement
  9. Professional advice and mentoring.

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Rayso Premium
Good article Israel. I have noticed in the Facebook Groups that people who set up a Group and really work it for their members are getting plenty of engagement.
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for your contribution, Rayso! As said earlier in my tutorial, unless you build an engagement with your groups, communities or buy Ads packages on social media platforms, getting a decent amount of traffic from social media platforms is no longer feasible only with sharing posts, liking posts and doing all such things like before.

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Israel Olatunji
Vitaminsplus Premium
Interesting prospective on social media. I have the same problem everything cost cost and cost, where does it end?
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for the engagement opportunity, Vitaminsplus! Much appreciated! I've seen a lot of veterans who focused deeply on socializing, though it's good to socialize, it's no longer an ideal way to get an ample amount of traffic like before when the Ads packages have not yet been added to the social media platforms. They want you to buy their Ads packages now to get any decent amount of traffic at all.

You can access all of my training resources here:

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Israel Olatunji
VeganSheldon Premium
Hi Israel would you mind defining what an influencer is?
Israel17 Premium
An influencer is such an authority blogger who, by his domain authority, personality in the blogging world, and mastery, can help you get to the top ranking positions in Google. An influencer is all you need to get connections to the top bloggers in your niche and to get a first-page ranking within a short period of time alongside building out your site with quality and engaging content.

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Israel Olatunji
EandS2018 Premium
Great article very informative,
Many Blessings, Scarlett and Elaine
Israel17 Premium
Kudos to you for the engagement opportunity, friend! Have you started building bonds with the niche-related influencers? These are the authority bloggers who can hold you in the hand and lift you up to the top opportunities online. Getting links from top influencers in your niche can do your SEO a lot of good.

You can access all of my training resources here:

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Israel Olatunji
bigrog44 Premium
Thanks for sharing, Israel.
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for stopping by, friend! Much appreciated! Once you can learn the strategy for building strong relationships with influencers successfully, you will move your blog up to the top of the Page Rank soonest.

You can access all of my training resources here:

Or you can get a quick overview of my training resources through the links below: Thanks for the visit,
Israel Olatunji