
Roles- see words, contributor, subscriber, editor, author, admin which are assigned by site admin as to what level of specific usability/freedom users may have.

RSS Feed- Stands for Really Simply Syndication.

Referral- A person you refer to a service or program.

Relevant Comment- This is a well thought out comment you leave that is related to the information in the post or article that one has read. It does not include irrelevant information about the cure for Aids that was found or a link to your own website. Nay!

Rotator- In general, we are speaking of an ad rotator, which is a website that will rotate your ads or banners in various places, normally on their own website, but, could be on other websites as well.



SEO- Search Engine Optimization.

Sitemap- A list of pages for your website that you submit to Google by way of Google Search Console, previously known as Webmaster Tools.

Slug- Simply put, it is the exact address of a post/page. Also termed URL Slug or Post Slug. See permalink for a picture. (Pj Germain taught me the word "slug" in Live Chat. He also had a cool story about parachuting!! :P).

Social Media- Community based online communication mediums. IE, Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare.

Social Media Buttons- The little icons that you click on when sharing information by said social media communities.

Screenshot- On your computer, press your< PRT SC Sys Rq> button, and then open the Paint app, one can then hit paste, which will create your screen shoot. You can now save it to your pictures as a jpeg, png and so forth. Also see full-page screenshot.

Scroll-To-Top Button- This is a plug-in you use to create a button at the bottom of your web page to allow visitors to go back to the top of a page at their convenience without scrolling their mouse.

Subscriber- a user who can manage only their profile on a website.



Tag- A keyword to help group posts together that also helps when visitors want to search for a specific topic on a website.

Template- Is a cool way to vary a page's look by leaving out the sidebar or adding an archive on said page or pages! Templates may vary in what may or may not be done, but, it is worth trying. Do not confuse this with theme. This is subjective to individual pages and only changes the layout as such.

Theme- This is the across the board design for a given website and may be changed or customized to suit the website.

Traffic exchange- is a type of website which provides a service such as placing your paid ads in a rotator for your websites for traffic and leads.

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Tirolith Premium
Very well done P. J. Good information to have on hand. Thanks Tom.
PJonline Premium
Thank you Tom! I am glad you like it! :) PJ
Martstervt Premium
Pj this is good stuff, I am still a newbie as some of it i did not know. I will file for future reference.

PJonline Premium
️Hi Marty! Thank you for the kind comment! I appreciate that loads!! :) pJ
Jozeph Premium
Wow, very impressive and much needed PJ
This is a great piece of work, and kudos for having the patience to create it.

As you add more (if you decide you want to) please keep us updated
Thanks again

* I'll probably "spotlight" it in my Sunday Post, if of course you're ok with that :)
PJonline Premium
Ha! Thank you for that truly kind comment! Joseph! It was nerve wrecking at first trying to decide how to format it but once I had a system it became fun as I love words. Have worked on it for several months and then watched a video by Brendon Burchard about distraction and push myself all day until midnight to get it done! Now I have a headache!! Lol! A labor of love! And yes I wil update here when ever I add something. Great idea! Thank you my friend! :) pj
catlady13 Premium
I appreciate this post. People throw these terms around, and I have no idea what they mean. This one gets printed out and put in the notebook as a reference
PJonline Premium
That is exciting to hear! So glad you find it helpful! :)
DaleOdom Premium
Thanks PJ. This really helps me a lot. I am not familiar with a lot of the different computer terms.
PJonline Premium
Hello there, Dale! Yes I agree and much of this is personal to me as they are things I did not know months ago either.. Thank you! I am so glad to know it helped! :) pj