
Editor- This is not referring to the person that edits magazines and newspaper articles. This is referring to either 1.) the "container" in your website where you write your article. 2.)It also could refer to the area in your website where all the programming html and css are located, that area being largely avoided , so, assume it is your "container". or It could be 3.) The privileges/role you have allotted a user on your website, just under admin, if so, the only, thing they cannot control, is theme, plugin, or settings areas. They may edit and manage others posts, as well as, their own.

Embed- Is the action of copying an html code and pasting it into your website or social media account. An embed code usually looks something similar to this:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https:/##########/embed/u_wayAlzJxs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Evergreen Content- Is the content that continues to stay fresh and remain relevant long after you have published it , ie, How-to Posts, Guides, instructional videos or product reviews, etc.



Favicon- This is the the image you choose for your navigation tab to represent your brand/logo. It is found above in the navigation bar. Wealthy Affiliate has a default favicon that you may personalize by going into the customizing area of your website.

Featured image- Allows you to choose a picture that should be the primary display on your blog roll or social media.

Footer- This is the bottom of your website where we can usually find the privacy policy, terms and conditions and contact pages. See Header

Front End- This is the area of a website that visitors see when they enter/visit a website. Also, see Backend. (Keep your dirty mind to yourself! LOL!)

FTP- (Short for File Transfer Protocol) is the specific functions involved to transfer files across the internet from one computer to another.

FTP Client- Is the software, such as Filezilla or CuteFTP, that you install on your computer to transfer files back and forth from your website.

Font- This is the the style of text you choose to type with and there may be only a default or some web themes will allow to choose from many.

Full Page screenshot- For this one needs to use the developer tools in their bookmarks toolbar for this, then find the appropriate key or function which when pressed automatically save and downloads a full length shot of entire page or post (note: this is not just of the screen itself.)



GiF- is a file format for static and animated images that provides lossless quality. See lossless

Google Search Console-(prior to 5/20/2015, it was Google Webmaster Tools) allows (website owners) to check indexing status and to optimize visiblity of site via keyword information etc.

Gravatar- actually means Globally Recognized Avatar! This is the avatar you assign to your email that will follow you around when you comment on others websites.

Google Search Console- Also see Webmaster Tools.



Header- 1.)The top of your website that will also contain your logo. See Footer 2.) This may also refer to the customized logo image sometimes called a header(image) which is loaded into the same said area.

Homepage- This is the main page of a website and may be a dynamic blogroll or static page.

Host- Short for hosting service, it is the service that provides the space for your website on a server, so, that your to be website may be accessible to the world wide web.

Hosting Service- (see host)

HTML- Short for Hyper Text Markup Language. This is the code used for formatting and displaying structured data, such as, documents and websites on the World Wide web. This is not normally considered a programming language.

Hyperlink- is a highlighted portion of text or a graphic that when clicked on will take you to a specified web location.

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Tirolith Premium
Very well done P. J. Good information to have on hand. Thanks Tom.
PJonline Premium
Thank you Tom! I am glad you like it! :) PJ
Martstervt Premium
Pj this is good stuff, I am still a newbie as some of it i did not know. I will file for future reference.

PJonline Premium
️Hi Marty! Thank you for the kind comment! I appreciate that loads!! :) pJ
Jozeph Premium
Wow, very impressive and much needed PJ
This is a great piece of work, and kudos for having the patience to create it.

As you add more (if you decide you want to) please keep us updated
Thanks again

* I'll probably "spotlight" it in my Sunday Post, if of course you're ok with that :)
PJonline Premium
Ha! Thank you for that truly kind comment! Joseph! It was nerve wrecking at first trying to decide how to format it but once I had a system it became fun as I love words. Have worked on it for several months and then watched a video by Brendon Burchard about distraction and push myself all day until midnight to get it done! Now I have a headache!! Lol! A labor of love! And yes I wil update here when ever I add something. Great idea! Thank you my friend! :) pj
catlady13 Premium
I appreciate this post. People throw these terms around, and I have no idea what they mean. This one gets printed out and put in the notebook as a reference
PJonline Premium
That is exciting to hear! So glad you find it helpful! :)
DaleOdom Premium
Thanks PJ. This really helps me a lot. I am not familiar with a lot of the different computer terms.
PJonline Premium
Hello there, Dale! Yes I agree and much of this is personal to me as they are things I did not know months ago either.. Thank you! I am so glad to know it helped! :) pj