Now that you have sorted out your website and found one that reflects your niche it's time to put some content in there.

This where if you are not a writer you go into a blind panic. I am here to tell you, you are a writer and there is nothing to be afraid of.

This is where research can be your friend and help make you a better writer;

Research is Fun!

Each time you have a conversation with someone you are writing, yes it is verbal but if you were to record what you say and then transcribe it you have effectively written some content.

Of course, as with anything, the more you write the better you get at it. So your best bet is to just write.

Your likes, your hates, your pets, your neighbourhood, impressions of people you've met, places you've seen, quirky things that have happened to you...the list is endless, just remember you have years of experience in different areas and it's now time to write about them.

Creating a great title is essential for your post to be ranked on Google. This is why keyword searches are important. For more detail go here;

Why Keywords are Important

This quick tutorial will get your creative juices going:

Creating Great Content

Now that you have written your post it's time to categorise and tag it properly...

Tasks 0/3 completed
1. Have you read
2. Have you written one post for your website?
3. Did you do a keyword search for your post title?

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gbsun Premium
Hi Michael,
Awesome! You really put some great knowledge and hard work together here to prepare this. It also sparked something in my brain for a new niche to research on. Thank you very much!
Ultimateless Premium
Thanks for such a wonderful compliment, Gina. I am glad this has sparked the ole grey matter for you.
amgolf Premium
Much much knowledge in this training. I am full.
In my newbie's brain.
Thank you.

What are you an important or main method that you use to get trust from an audience?
Ultimateless Premium
Just be yourself and tell the truth about everything you do. That is how you gain an audience's trust.
Seahawk8058 Premium
This is a great tutorial to allow the "newbie" to gain some confidence by first wading into the pool rather than diving in and finding themselves in the deep end.

Fantastic work Michael!
Ultimateless Premium
Thanks, Greg, I have now created 'water wings' for newbies, lol ! I like that.
Misako Premium
Hi Michael,
It's very easy to follow the steps and understand what I need to do.
Thank you for the great training!

Ultimateless Premium
Thank you, Misa, I am glad to hear that.
YadiPink Premium
Great tutorial, very helpful. I need to gain traffic to my site, never thought about joining communities in my niche.
Ultimateless Premium
Thank you, Yadira, I am glad this was of use to you.