This is my first attempt at training, so please be kind, Lol.
I wanted to do this training because I was a bit irritated about the Vote For Trump in my analytics.
It got to the point where it was getting difficult to get rid of these ghost referrals.
What Are These spam and ghost referrals?
There are a couple of referrals that I know of, one that never actually go to your site and the other one does crawl your website.
Ghost referrals are referrals that don't actually go to your website.
The Spam referrals can be a click-bait referral that usually show up in your social area and in your audience area of your Google Analytics.
What some of these spam and ghost referrals are aiming for is for you to click on their site so they can build traffic and rankings.
Yes, we get curious about a website like that populates our analytics.
What we tend to do out of curiosity is Google search these spam sites.
Some of these spammers are just baiting us to go to their site so please don't fall for Casper games.
I know that Casper maybe a friendly ghost, but it's best to just ignore these games and start filtering Casper away.
What I learned about these spam ghost referrals is that they are getting quite difficult to remove in our Google Analytics. This is the problem I faced when I did the usual filtering, I tested a method that I learned.
For a week now, I haven't seen any referrals that are ghost or spam, period. I usually see some everyday, but for a week I've seen nothing, Yah!!!
In this training, we will go through the process of removing ghost referrals step by step.
The steps that I have done got rid of all ghost referrals or at least until these ghost spammers find another way of beaming through our Google Analytics, Yuk!
There are areas in your GA's that you will be accessing to get rid of these ghost referrals.
So Let's get started
You must apply a couple of filters in order to prevent this fake traffic. This step by step guide should help you.
Hope it helps,