Your application has been accepted and you have been issued with an Amazon affiliate id.

You are now able to sell Amazon products and collect an affiliate commission.

Click the Now button to provide Amazon with how you wish to get paid and with the necessary US tax information. This will be different, depending on your country of residence.

Just work through it.

You will also receive a confirmation email from Amazon.

Note that

  1. You must make 3 sales within 180 days in order to keep your account. If this doesn't happen, you can apply again and get a new Amazon affiliate id, but will then have to update any existing links that you have placed on your website and
  2. Your site is still subject to manual review by Amazon, so make sure you abide by their rules.

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ChristianaOg Premium Plus
Great training, Phil. The way you outlined the process made it easy for anyone including me on how to get started with and to be approved with Amazon Associate.

Though I have not started yet to promote anything on my website but this made it easy for when am ready. I'll definitely come back to the training.

A quick question: As my site has not much traffic will I be accepted if I applied for Amazon program?
phil1944 Premium
Thanks, Christiana. Amazon will look at your website to make sure it's suitable but traffic doesn't come into it.
phil1944 Premium
I've added a section on Native Shopping Ads an the last page that you might be interested in.
ChristianaOg Premium Plus
Thanks I will have a look
west2000 Premium
Another great training, Phil and I do appreciate the visuals. I’m not a big fan of the company but should I ever decide to try with them again, I’ll definitely refer to this. Much appreciated as always.

phil1944 Premium
Thanks, Susan. I agree with you on Amazon, but if there's money to be made...
phil1944 Premium
I've added a section on Native Shopping Ads an the last page that you might be interested in.
west2000 Premium
Thanks for letting me know, Phil. I look forward to learning more about that. Have a lovely day!

phil1944 Premium
Thanks, Susan. You too.
BrendaMZ Premium Plus
Phil, awesome training. I have not yet signed up to be an Amazon Affiliate yet. For almost four years I avoided using them. Now that I know more from this training. You walked us through it step by step with visual images. That is helpful. I learn better by following visuals in photos or a video. Thanks for this valuable walkthrough. I am thinking about signing up but I kept putting it off because commissions got cut three years ago which made me not motivated to follow through with this. As you stated best are high-ticket products. 🙄 duh now I get it. I missed out on that one. I lacked the understanding of how it works. Your training is making me more motivated to think about signing up. Thank you, Phil, as usual, you always provide value for us!

I forgot to ask can you show us the PA API as explained by Diane Scorpio?
phil1944 Premium
Thanks for the appreciation, Brenda. Yes, I find training images of huge benefit.

I'm still researching the PA API and will add it to the training when I can.
phil1944 Premium
I've added a section on Native Shopping Ads an the last page that you might be interested in.
BrendaMZ Premium Plus
Thanks. I just reviewed that information. That is helpful.
phil1944 Premium
I'm glad, Brenda. Yes, it's a quick and neat ad format.
DianeScorpio Premium
Hi Phil - great training as usual, and I have bookmarked it to refer others to it.

However, it does imply that you can copy and paste or screenshot customer reviews, and you can't do that unless you use their PA API tool.

"You will not display or otherwise use any of our customer reviews or star ratings, in part or in whole, on your Site unless you have obtained a link to that customer review or star rating through PA API"

phil1944 Premium
Thanks, Diane. I've done that in the past with no issues at all but I will follow up on the PA API tool.
phil1944 Premium
I've added a section on Native Shopping Ads an the last page that you might be interested in.
phil1944 Premium
Hi Diane, I have been right through Amazon Associate's TOS and Privacy Policy both without finding the clause you quoted. Could you point me more specifically to it, please?
phil1944 Premium
Wow, you must have read all that very thoroughly, Diane. It sure is buried. The PA API isn't really a possibility as it's an SDK requiring coding and would be outside the skillset of most WA members. I'll change the advice in this training as a result. Humbling, but thanks for bringing it to my attention.
DianeScorpio Premium
Yes, they don't make it easy!

I doubt that most people use the PA API, or would even know to apply for it.

Elke63 Premium
I started with Amazon Associates some time back and stopped.

I stopped because Amazon only gives you; I think it was 60 days to make your first sale and then close your account, and all your links are not valid any. You can apply again and start again.

I did not make any sales, so I stopped using Amazon.
Can You please clarify if I got it right or wrong?

Kindest Regards

phil1944 Premium
You have 180 days to make your first three sales, so it's actually pretty generous.

If your account gets closed, you can open a new one immediately and use a plugin to globally update your affiliate ids.

To me, the trick is to produce good review sites (which I cover in this training) for high-end-products and then promote them.

Make constant sales of products worth thousands and the commissions mount up.
Elke63 Premium
Thank You, Phil,

I will go and do what you advise; I did not know there was a plugin to change the Amazon affiliate links.

This makes things much more straightforward.

I will find a product, write an extensive review, and then try to promote it.

Thank you for all the advice, and I keep you posted on how I go.

Kindest Regards

phil1944 Premium
Lovely, Elke. Good luck with it.

The plugin I'm talking about isn't specific to Amazon affiliate links. It's just a global search and replace that you can use on your website to find something and replace it with something else.

Always wise to backup your site first.
Brian248 Premium
Hi Phil, I don't` use Amazon anymore as someone I know, who ordered through me, was let down badly by them. So, I replaced all Amazon links with eBay. Have a great day.
phil1944 Premium
That's unfortunate, Brian. Most people who order through Amazon report a positive experience.
Brian248 Premium
Hi Phil, this particular order was for my 8-year-old nephew. Ordered a fancy dress costume for his school day but, Amazon let me down right at the last moment, leaving my nephew to go to school in school uniform while everyone else was in costume, made my blood boil.
phil1944 Premium
Yep, that sort of experience can really put you off, particularly when there's a child involved.
Brian248 Premium
phil1944 Premium
I've added a section on Native Shopping Ads an the last page that you might be interested in.
phil1944 Premium
I've added a section on Native Shopping Ads an the last page that you might be interested in.