sandbox; an alleged filter placed on new websites in order to “prevent” the good rankings while the site is very “young”; it’s a decreasing effect and lasts somewhere between 1 month and 6 months

search engine advertising (or SEA); paid keyword-based PPC text ads shown on the top of the organic search results; also known as paid search

search engine results page (or SERP); the ranked list of relevant organic search results displayed by search engines as a result for a custom search query

search engine marketing (or SEM); marketing strategy used to improve the rankings of a website within the search engine results; usually combines search engine optimization and search engine advertising

search engine optimization (or SEO); a complex set of rules, techniques and strategies used to improve the ranking position of a website in a given search engine’s (usually Google) organic, unpaid results

shadow domains; the practice to use a domain name which is very similar to an already existing and successful domain in order to benefit from the massive traffic generated by the original website

sitemap; an organized hierarchical list of pages or links – created usually in XML format – used to provide navigational instructions to search engine crawlers and human users

snippet; the web page summary retrieved from the meta description tag and displayed as a text beneath the title of the webpage on the search results page

spamdexing; the practice of search engine spamming used to deliberately manipulate the search engine indexes

squeeze page (or landing page); a special single-page creative with minimal, eye-catchy content created with the sole purpose to capture information for follow-up marketing; an attractive “bait” designed to increase conversion

SSL (or Secure Socket Layer); standard security technology used to establish a secure, encrypted link between a web server and a web browser

static URL; unlike a dynamic URL which is dynamically generated as a result to a database query, a static URL is hard coded within the HTML code and stays the same with each and every page load


title tag; HTML title element used to briefly and accurately describe the topic or the content of a given website; is very important to both user experience and SEO

tracking pixel; one-by-one pixel – usually GIF – images placed on a website in order to track events, actions, conversion rates, visits, impressions, etc; is an alternative for script-based (Javascript) tracking methods


unique clicks; the total number of unique persons who have clicked a given affiliate link (in contrast with raw clicks); the definition of a unique click will vary from merchant to merchant (e. g. it can be a unique IP or a predefined amount of time with periodical resets)

URL (or Uniform Resource Locator); protocol used to specify the address of a World Wide Web page on the internet; basically is a link pointing to a web page

URL rewrite; the act of rewriting the dynamic URLs into user- and SEO-friendly static URLs

URL redirection (or URL forwarding); a web-server function used to send a visitor from one URL – the one visible in the address bar – to a new, different domain or URL

URL shortener; online service that will create a shorter, abbreviated alternative for long URLs; is based on URL redirection


vanity URL; a descriptive, personally chosen and usually branded URL used by companies or individuals against of a generic, unrecognizable URL; is a quite common method used especially by social networks

vertical search; specialized search focusing on results from a particular area only


whitelabel rights; the affiliate has the right to promote a given product or service under his own brand without even mentioning the original merchant; usually these are subdomain websites hosted on the merchant’s server, created and branded solely to a given – very efficient – affiliate (super affiliate)

white hat SEO; ethical SEO optimization techniques and tactics that focus on a human audience instead of search engines and follows all the search engine rules and policies


XML (or Extensible Markup Language); a self-descriptive, text based meta-language designed to create, store and transport a database of information without having an actual database; it is used to create sitemaps, RSS feeds and markup languages for specific applications

I know, it’s a quite long list, but you need to understand these terms in order to create a solid ground for your SEO efforts. If you want to learn how to SEO a website, you need to understand these terms. If you don’t want to get lost in China, you’ll have to learn a few Chinese words …

And that's it my friends!

If you have any comments, further questions or update requests please don't hesitate to react! Like, comment and share!

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C-Lab Premium
This article was super useful! I read through the whole thing and downloaded it into my head haha Before reading this I was especially curious about a few of the featured terms, specifically:
"Split" testing.
The "colored" hats (black, grey, white).

Also, I study Turing Machines and the Lambda Calculus but I never knew that CAPTCHAS were Turing tests! (In hindsight it should have been obvious, but I never looked em up! haha)

Anyways thank you for sharing another wonderful and super useful post with us, I got a lot of value from this lesson and really appreciate it!
smartketeer Premium
Thanks Caleb!

Glad you like it :)
MaryAnnMc Premium
Hi Zed.

I have a question with regards to Breadcrumbs. I had changed a website recently and was advised to install the Breadcrumb NavXT plugin (which at the time I did not know what it was - thanks for clarifying). So long story short, it is installed. Based on your definition, I am guessing it is ok to keep it?
smartketeer Premium
Definitely yes.

But you shouldn't install plugins without knowing their purpose, their disadvantages, etc :) What I'm trying to say, before installing a new plugin, try to get more opinions, try to evaluate other alternatives for the given task, so on ...
MaryAnnMc Premium
I understand that NOW but this is after the fact....the damage (?) is done :).

Mary Ann
smartketeer Premium
No damage this time :)

But you got the point ...
MaryAnnMc Premium
I got the point!

JerryMcCoy Premium Plus
Many thanks.
smartketeer Premium
Thank YOU!
ExpatMark Premium
So helpful, thanks.
smartketeer Premium
Thank you Mark!
dowj01 Premium
Thanks for posting. Really useful info.
smartketeer Premium
Thanks for reading Justin!