Sitemaps play a roll in letting the search engine understand exactly what is on your site.

Sitemaps are just like road maps. They tell anyone visiting your site exactly what is on your site and where to find it.

You can add sitemaps to your site by using a plugin like BWP Google XML Sitemaps. Once you have the plugin set up on your site, you will want to go to Google webmaster tools and add your sitemap to your site.

By adding the sitemap to Google, Google will then be able to spider the site and completely understand what your site is about.

The sitemaps record information like your pages, posts and categories.

They record all the meta information we talked about early.

Sitemaps are what allows users to find pages on your site more easily.

If you forget to use sitemaps, then all the other seo steps you have done are pretty much for nothing. It will take you a lot longer to get ranked.

Ok, so far we have covered meta tags, keywords and sitemaps. Now we are going to talk about Internal Linking.

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Funandeasy Premium
Thanks on your training, it explains very well what we should use and how. Great job!
edensbox Premium
When I learned this and started implementing it, my ranks went up a bit.
hgvgirl Premium
Thanks for this training, really clear to understand and sounds so easy to implement. Great Job...
edensbox Premium
Thank you!
boomergp08 Premium
That was awesome Eden! I'm glad to see other members spreading this great knowledge which we have learned here at WA and from other reputable sources.

If there is any improvement you think needs to be made to this training I would say maybe add a relevant image on each page. However even if you do not think you would want to do that, your content is still written well enough to make this a great training resource as it stands now.

Great job!!!
edensbox Premium
Thank you so much Boomer!! I appreciate it. Will look into some images as well. Thought about it when I wrote it. Then got excited about writing my first training and well...... forgot :)
boomergp08 Premium
I can understand that. :)
crp2511 Premium
Good point, I have found adding images is good for SEO but they have to be done in the right way with descriptive filename, alt tags etc.
KD6PAO Premium
Hi Eden. You have done a spectacular job here! I am in full agreement with everything you have said ... and easy to follow! Do some more ...
edensbox Premium
LOL Thank you! Sure will. Any topics you need??
KD6PAO Premium
Getting more free quality traffic is always a hot item!
edensbox Premium
Alright, Will get that one started!
edensbox Premium
If you find something you are struggling with and want me to write up some training, PM me, I will write it up.
giludi Premium
Thanks for this more than useful training.
edensbox Premium
Thank you GIludi :)