Often we hear, "Do what you want, when you want!"

This is true, the aspiring entrepreneur often starts out with a wrong rub against school and employment's management systems. They were there, and as much as we may have hated them at the time, they worked. Sometimes we have to grab hold of ourselves and be the task master, as this is one of many hats we wear.

If you don't develop this skill, you stand slim chances of never becoming more than aspiring.

Every entrepreneur who gets anywhere has set up some sort of agenda though which to move forward. Most, hopefully all, here sees the importance of not only entertaining the idea of bringing needed order into their campaigns, not only hard work and persistence is required, but the discipline to carry out the scheme.

Remember school? Maybe you're still there. You went from one class to the next in high school, with a space of time of about three minutes to get to your locker and into the next class. In 47-48 minute times, you got your lectures and accomplished class work before the end of the session.

A good students takes advantage of all the great things scheduling like this offers. They develop themselves, eat right, exercise the body and mind.
  • They are organized in health, time, disposition and set priorities.
  • They know what to expect because they have done the research.
  • They plan out their goals, and then the strategies to reach them.
  • They realize that there is enough time to get the materials down and score high.
  • The top 5% in ivory league schools make the grade because they wrote it all down.
They are in the numbers of those who control most of the world's wealth, even so, those who do these things will invariably see positive results. Looking through them, it can be noted that a certain routinization needs to occur in order to achieve desired success. Action is an inseparable constant in the equation...

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Shawn Martin Premium
+Nice Job
thank you thank you!
JonnyX Premium
Thats so true! Without planning, organization and follow-through, even if you know how to do everything to be successful...if you do not act you can only go so far!! Great post Dan, I liked it!
Thank you greatly! It's my first one and will probably have aftershocks. I should be careful to note that my model may not work with some readers. The very important thing is the doing of it, whatever the system.

Your avatar is interesting. I will mosie over to your space. I like to do that with every person who connects with me. Lately that has been getting ahead of me. My schedule allows for about an hour socializing per week day, with Saturdays and Sunday pretty much open.

Some things, like the 30/30 Challenge and the 30-Day Blueprint (as I call it.)
mama2karsten Premium
Thanks for the post... great reminders.