We found that intrinsic value of scheduling your time most-definitely gets results. The student should approach this aesthetically and with a definite goals in mind. A good student gets great grades. Great student get handsomely rewarded because they take the time to put their plans, goals and achievements in writing.

Routinizing your life to a certain degree is not harmful, in fact, is the very component that puts people at the top of the world! We must have the right attitude and purpose for it. If we don't we invariably fail until we improve these two faculties.

Building schedules are not hard to do, it just takes resolve and to build it until it is functional for what you need it for. These extra steps will save you countless later. I used an old high school scheduling system. You can too, or you can use any number of day-planning methods out there. Most of them work very well. I did not spend a lot of time on how to build a schedule, more on the importance of using them.

You must do diligence to both the system you set up and your success by following through and abiding by the rules you have worked out in reaching those goals!

I hope you enjoyed this, my first Resource here. I will most likely be doing these along this stripe. There are many aspects of Internet marketing that don't stand out right away to most new-comers, and one of them is the absolute necessity of consistent, efficient production. This is where you become the task master. The framework for this is the schedule.

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Shawn Martin Premium
+Nice Job
thank you thank you!
JonnyX Premium
Thats so true! Without planning, organization and follow-through, even if you know how to do everything to be successful...if you do not act you can only go so far!! Great post Dan, I liked it!
Thank you greatly! It's my first one and will probably have aftershocks. I should be careful to note that my model may not work with some readers. The very important thing is the doing of it, whatever the system.

Your avatar is interesting. I will mosie over to your space. I like to do that with every person who connects with me. Lately that has been getting ahead of me. My schedule allows for about an hour socializing per week day, with Saturdays and Sunday pretty much open.

Some things, like the 30/30 Challenge and the 30-Day Blueprint (as I call it.)
mama2karsten Premium
Thanks for the post... great reminders.