7. All of the content Marketing can be automated

    When it comes to creating content and promotion, it can be time-consuming. Thanks to technology for creating how to streamline and reduce the time and effort in creating content. With automation, we can now schedule post, monitor engagement, and even create landing pages within a twinkle of an eye.

    But trying to automate all of the processes will be creating an impersonal and unprofessional line of flow. Let there be human touch in your content creation. Where you are not available to create content, you can hire a professional to do the job.

    8. Turning out multiple contents

      It used to be an old belief that search engines will reward websites with multiple contents. This belief led so many companies to turn out multiple contents on daily basis. The result is thin and unfriends content.

      This form of lacks value. Readers did not trust the content, and the conversion rates of such content dropped. The algorithm changed, and it further pushed websites with thin content out and focused on quality content.

      Publishers that focused on quality content will continue to gain more audience irrespective of the algorithm change. They will continue to enjoy higher conversion rate. It is not to emphasize volume. Rather, prioritizing value and volume.

      If you are thinking of increasing the volume of your work, consider both value and Volume

      In conclusion, content marketing is highly dependent on evergreen content to attract an audience. It does not work by itself, but dependant on your other marketing strategy to give good result. Also, you must be ready and willing to play the long term game to succeed as a content marketer.

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      Christorv Premium Plus
      Another great one from the info chest, thanks Ayo. Good content is indeed king.
      Parameter Premium


      I cannot stop laughing, all the same I appreciate your finding it informative.

      Thank you for always been there

      JerryMcCoy Premium Plus
      Providing quality content should be the goal of every website owner. The better the content the longer you will have an audience who value and trust your content.
      Parameter Premium

      Thank you Jerry,

      Much appreciated, you strike the nail on the head

      creating quality content is the key to standing out and swimming against all tides of this business.

      lesabre Premium
      Thanks for another great lesson Ayodeji.

      Parameter Premium

      thank you Mike,

      I appreciate your time taken to see the training

      philmedia Premium Plus
      Lovely common sense in here but often forgotten. I enjoyed that, thankyou. Phil
      Parameter Premium
      Thank You Phil,

      A lot of these myths can be avoided, especially when we are aware of them

      Kingschido Premium
      Thanks for the training. Quite informative.
      Parameter Premium
      Thank you Kings,

      I appreciate the time taken to see the training
