4. Content Marketing is not for your Kind of Business.

    Some business owners are in a rush to conclude that content marketing is not a good fit for their business. Content marketing is not specific for any niche or brand. It is not with any form of experience.

    Any business can engage the power of content marketing to create high-quality content specific for their business. What is important is that it must offer tangible value. It should be educational, entertaining or inspirational.

    Also, your content must be engaging to be able to get the attention of your customers. It must not be focused on self-promotion. Rather, it must be on delivering value to your clients.

    5. I don’t need social media.

      To create quick visibility, you need to promote it. Search Engine and organic searches will continue to remain the best medium for the best return on investment (ROI). But they are not fast ways to generate traffic to your content.

      Been active on social media will draw traffic to your content faster. It will help you gain trust and earn an early conversion.

      Some business owners think that their business is not for social media. They claim social media is for the younger generation. You will be making a mistake. Almost everybody now uses social media. Using these platforms will make your content easily discoverable.

      It will save you the time you have to wait for Google to discover your content. Top of it, it is an easy way to build relationships with your audience.

      6. They believe all their content should be on their Business.

        It is the difference between traditional marketing and content marketing. While traditional marketing focuses entirely on your business, the latter focuses on your clients. The essence of content marketing is engaging with your clients. Focus more on your clients need than on your own.

        Spend less time talking or promoting your own. Provide more value to your clients, offer valuable tips to resolve their challenges. Strive to be the answer to their questions. That way, you will ensure they keep you on their mind.

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        Christorv Premium Plus
        Another great one from the info chest, thanks Ayo. Good content is indeed king.
        Parameter Premium


        I cannot stop laughing, all the same I appreciate your finding it informative.

        Thank you for always been there

        JerryMcCoy Premium Plus
        Providing quality content should be the goal of every website owner. The better the content the longer you will have an audience who value and trust your content.
        Parameter Premium

        Thank you Jerry,

        Much appreciated, you strike the nail on the head

        creating quality content is the key to standing out and swimming against all tides of this business.

        lesabre Premium
        Thanks for another great lesson Ayodeji.

        Parameter Premium

        thank you Mike,

        I appreciate your time taken to see the training

        philmedia Premium Plus
        Lovely common sense in here but often forgotten. I enjoyed that, thankyou. Phil
        Parameter Premium
        Thank You Phil,

        A lot of these myths can be avoided, especially when we are aware of them

        Kingschido Premium
        Thanks for the training. Quite informative.
        Parameter Premium
        Thank you Kings,

        I appreciate the time taken to see the training
