Lesson 2: Export Website to Your Computer
Now you will use the power of All in One WP Migration to export (archive) your existing website (which is really just a boatload of files) to a temporary place - from the host server to a hard drive on our computer, or to an external drive that you choose.
You see, unlike most other FREE migration plugins, when All in One WP Migration does its job, it moves the "whole kit and caboodle" - meaning it migrates ALL your website information including all the files, the database, etc., to your NEW hosting accounts WordPress install.
When All in One WP Migration exports (archives) your files, it converts all of your files into one .wpress file. What the heck is a .wpress file you might ask?
YES, at first I asked that same question - but no need to worry!
All that matters is that it gets the job done, and when you migrate your website (as a .wpress file) to your NEW hosting account (the "RIGHT" side account) you can backup your website once again later when you are there.
3. Go to All in One WP Migration > Export on Left side (in your "From" account)
4. To begin the export, click on 1) Export To and then 2) File
5. While files are exporting (archiving), dialog box indicates progress.
6. Dialog Box indicates all files total size of 1 GB
7. Click Box reading "Download (Domain Name)" when Exporting is complete to begin download. When it's ready to download files to your computer, the box will turn Green.
8. Check your hard drive or external drive (Left Side) to confirm your WordPress website has now been downloaded on your computer as a .wpress file.
There is now your downloaded" .wpress file which is your entire website circled in "Red". Its total size is 1.12 GB.
In your next lesson, you will import your entire website (as a.wpress file) to your Destination Host on the "RIGHT" side (your "To" account).
When you are ready, click "Next Page"and go to Lesson 3.
You only need to edit the file upload size on your "TO" computer.
I have tried this method last time and I was stuck where the file size was over limit.
This is definitely awesome! .
Thank you for taking your time creating this golden tutorial. I know, only with dedication this is possible.
I don't know you are a good hacker too :)
Thanks a bunch. Bookmarked!