Video by CoachEd
This video is about ( learn how to cold call ) and made by croninweb to point people to the teaching on (how to make cold calls in your home town and like it.)
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Amazing how that word "engage" has come up in social media. It's presented as a new concept! You're saying in another way (a great way) that internet marketing has quickly changed the tools we use to sell, but people haven't changed at all!
I spend 15 hours per week walking around my little beach town, and make $1,000s per month selling online coupons for my site. And, have a great time! I never get a "no" because I would never ask for the sale unless I know they'd say "yes."
Power to salesmen old enough to remember how to sell face-to-face!
I spend 15 hours per week walking around my little beach town, and make $1,000s per month selling online coupons for my site. And, have a great time! I never get a "no" because I would never ask for the sale unless I know they'd say "yes."
Power to salesmen old enough to remember how to sell face-to-face!
Bill Carver
"People like to buy, but they don't like to be sold." Something to remember as well. "meet, greet, relationships" - - this is they key, as you indicated. When I just tried to sell I usually didn't get too far, but when I met and greeted someone and built a relationship I did much better.
Thanks for sharing. You're "right on", as the kids say!
Thanks for sharing. You're "right on", as the kids say!
I'm also from the "Old School" of "Direct Selling" Started off in South Africa in 1982 after leaving a position within this company as a external sales rep, company car and all other perks!. And for the next 16 years while in SA that was my chosen profession. I would buy books, tapes and dvd's in mastering the art of true selling. Most slaes people today have been giving a bad reputation for the "Hard Sell" approach, and many have turned out to be "Con Men" So sad! Any way like you I do enjoy "Cold Calling" and interacting with total stranges, which put's us in a favourable position to spred this out there. Thanks Cronin, for sharing your thoughts on this subject. Yes! We do all have a part to play in helping people out there, and it is about those who are experinced in this field to show us how to marry this with a computer. I may have business cards made up to hand out to those who are interested in having a look at my website. (Have not built one yet) Still trying to get my head around this part, and that is my problem!! It's the know how. I don't like computers, but this is the way I have to go if I want to play a part in this teckie world we now live in.