One of the beauties of working online is the fact that we can work from the comfort of our own homes, or indeed we can work from anywhere else we can get access to a free wi-fi hotspot.

This can be anywhere from your local library, to coffee shops, to internet shops, to airports or train stations - anywhere where you will see the signs shown in the picture above.

However, did you know that most public wi-fi hotspot have no security firewalls installed in the system? This means that whichever data is transmitted at any one time on that public network can be literally read by anybody logged on that network. Because, data is not encrypted, but is sent out in plain text!!!

This means that cyber criminals can easily 'snif' your personal details, such as stealing your passwords, login details and any other sensitive information, and they can then use them to commit an offence, or indeed sell such information to third parties.

In fact, it is deemed that some cyber criminal will go to the length of setting up their own free wi-fi hotspot to access individuals' private and personal data!!!

So, does this all means we are not to use public free wi-fi hotspots anymore? Not at all!

But you can adopt the following precautions in order to protect your data:

  • use a Virtual Private Network (VPN), which will use encryption on your data, so that it cannot be read openly anymore (I got mine for free from my phone network provider);
  • do not do anything in public that you don't want others to see - don't do online banking, do not access emails, particularly when containing sensitive information, and don't access anything containing usernames and passwords;
  • if unsure of the security of the wi-fi hotspot you are using, do not connect to the public network, but use your 3G or 4G data connection instead - 3G and 4G encrypt data.

Finally, let me tell you a little bit more about how to wisen up to the USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA. Go to page 5 for a few useful tips.

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Fleeky Premium Plus
Well shared!
GiuliaB Premium
Thank you Fleeky :)
N33 Premium
Thank you Giulia, this is most important information.
GiuliaB Premium
I think so Anne, you never know...
ElaineSmith1 Premium
Hey GiuliaB,
Thanks for this training. We all need to be safe in this day and age.

Tried and True

GiuliaB Premium
Yes, I agree Elaine, and that's why I wanted to share :)
CandP Premium
Thank you, Giulia, that was really helpful, particularly your warning about using hot spots. We work with Macs, which tend to be a little safer, but we are still very vigilant.
Colette and Philip
GiuliaB Premium
If there's one thing I learned, is never lower your guard.
Thanks for your comment, C&P :)
laparra1 Premium
Good Morning Giulia,

A great post, an eye-opener on various things. I have checked 1 email address and all seems to be ok, now I have to do the second. It gives one goosebumps to say the least. Thank you for writing about this.
I hope all is ok at your end including fur babies.

Greetings from the south of Spain, Taetske
GiuliaB Premium
Lovely to hear from you again, Taetske. We are all fine here. I hope you are alright, considering your recent loss (hugs to you and Michael).

Guess what, on my main email address I found 3 breaches (!!!), 2 from 2015 and one from last year. I must learn to be wiser.

Giulia :)
laparra1 Premium
Good Morning Giulia,

You know I still have down moments. Recently I dreamt about her, it was so real that I can still feel how I touched her.
My second email was no good. It is too short. I checked adding my loss to it and that seems to be a good one. Will do that on Google today.

Greetings from the south of Spain, Taetske
GiuliaB Premium
As ever Taetske, all my love to both of you :)