Have you ever clicked on some email or funny looking window appearing in the middle of your screen, and which was inviting you to push that button for the latest update?

Well, I really hope you've never done such thing. I did, many years ago, and as a result, my computer was locked and the next message I got was that I had to pay an exorbitant figure in order for my laptop to be released from a virus attack.

And that's what causes your computer to lock down. Cyber attackers infiltrate your computer or laptop, or even tablet, by sending you weird looking messages. If you click where prompted, without realising it you release a virus to your device, which locks down your computer. As you then try to click on your screen in a desperate attempt to get back what you have lost, you are redirected to a screen which prompts you to pay money in order for all your files, folders, software packages, apps - you name it - to be released.

The main advice, of course, is never to give in to the request of payment.

The other thing to do is to disconnect your device from your internet or wi-fi signal as soon as possible.

There is some bad news here: you may have to get rid of your device and get a new one. Because, even if you pay the ransom, remember that you are dealing with criminals and there is no guarantee that you will get all your material back, nor that the hackers will not keep a close eye on whatever you type on your computer, and then hack personal information, such as passwords or access to your bank details etc.

Now, can you imagine the damage such a disaster can cause us? The unnecessary and unwanted expense of having to purchase new equipment, the delay in carrying on with our work for the time that we are without a computer or laptop, but - the biggest heart-ache - loosing all our working material (!!!).

Because, even if we all work primarily online, there is the risk that the cyber criminal may have interfered with our cloud storage or with passwords etc.

So, ransomware is something really to avoid. How? With good and reputable antivirus software packages. Yes, they don't come cheap, but believe me, it's an investment to protect your business, hence your source of income.

Now, if ransomware is not scary enough, click on the next page and go to Lesson 3 to find out more about PHISHING.

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Fleeky Premium Plus
Well shared!
GiuliaB Premium
Thank you Fleeky :)
N33 Premium
Thank you Giulia, this is most important information.
GiuliaB Premium
I think so Anne, you never know...
ElaineSmith1 Premium
Hey GiuliaB,
Thanks for this training. We all need to be safe in this day and age.

Tried and True

GiuliaB Premium
Yes, I agree Elaine, and that's why I wanted to share :)
CandP Premium
Thank you, Giulia, that was really helpful, particularly your warning about using hot spots. We work with Macs, which tend to be a little safer, but we are still very vigilant.
Colette and Philip
GiuliaB Premium
If there's one thing I learned, is never lower your guard.
Thanks for your comment, C&P :)
laparra1 Premium
Good Morning Giulia,

A great post, an eye-opener on various things. I have checked 1 email address and all seems to be ok, now I have to do the second. It gives one goosebumps to say the least. Thank you for writing about this.
I hope all is ok at your end including fur babies.

Greetings from the south of Spain, Taetske
GiuliaB Premium
Lovely to hear from you again, Taetske. We are all fine here. I hope you are alright, considering your recent loss (hugs to you and Michael).

Guess what, on my main email address I found 3 breaches (!!!), 2 from 2015 and one from last year. I must learn to be wiser.

Giulia :)
laparra1 Premium
Good Morning Giulia,

You know I still have down moments. Recently I dreamt about her, it was so real that I can still feel how I touched her.
My second email was no good. It is too short. I checked adding my loss to it and that seems to be a good one. Will do that on Google today.

Greetings from the south of Spain, Taetske
GiuliaB Premium
As ever Taetske, all my love to both of you :)